Maybe Im Wasabi〽️ pfp
Maybe Im Wasabi〽️
What is a mental trick you use personally to snap out of a bad mood or negative thought pattern?
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slobo pfp
stand up go outside walk walk walk nap done
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Übermensch pfp
Mindfulness meditation practice has enabled me to take control over bad mood and thoughts. As soon as I recognize what is happening I snap out of it.
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Max 🎩 /muse 🔜 FarCon pfp
Max 🎩 /muse 🔜 FarCon
Hit an adrenaline fueled flow state. For me this means either hit the gym and swim a mile or go work a pedicab shift. Incapable of returning in a bad mood from either activity
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Agost Biro pfp
Agost Biro
Question it
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Go on a walk outside without my phone. It’s stupid and annoying that it works as consistently as it does. Truly the hardest part of this one is getting yourself out the door.
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Lajos Deme pfp
Lajos Deme
Super heavy workout -> sauna -> cold plunge works 100% of the time
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adrienne pfp
Depends on the scenario “What might I learn, or how might I grow from this experience? It’s difficult now but I’ll be a better person for getting through it” is my go to If it’s just a bad mood, I often allow myself to be there. It’s often faster to let negative emotions pass thru than to block them.
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ken pfp
When I need an instant shift, I create a new perspective/story around it. For example, if I'm in a bad mood from something like "woke up and my neck is tweaked ugh", imagining that the usual is neck tweaked means "it's not worse than usual". plus makes easier to appreciate a "good" day when waking up and no pain
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞! pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞!
Move or breathe is my fix.
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Phil Cockfield pfp
Phil Cockfield
In cases where you can identify (or maybe sort of identify) the conditions that are causing the bad mood/thoughts, creatively visualize a worse version of the scenario. Kind of a play on the framing effect. 🧠 happy relative to the worse (but not real) scenario. Dali Lama put it: "look down, not up"
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Phil Cockfield pfp
Phil Cockfield
Another one is get really curious about the physical sensations in the body, related to the mood. No narrative, or story around the feelings, just the raw physical sensation. "Hmm, there a slight contraction in my upper chest...I can feel a subtle tingle in my arm" it's the story that hurts usually, not the feeling.
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Nick Ducoff pfp
Nick Ducoff
I just tell myself it’s over, and move on to clean slate like etch-a-sketch
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Rogan pfp
I ask myself if what I'm going through is honestly worse than becoming a blind quadriplegic. Sobers me up faster than smelling salts. YMMV!
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Brent Fitzgerald pfp
Brent Fitzgerald
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meesh pfp
One woman dance parties to music I can sing along to 😏
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kbc - q/dau pfp
kbc - q/dau
Loud music. Writing down the though
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Jacob pfp
Great question ⚡️ I'm here for ideas 💡
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stipe pfp
cold shower
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