Rogan pfp



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Rogan pfp
New beginnings? I've grown so much in the past few years that I don't feel like my intentions _then_ match my experience _now_, so the ways I want to engage on social media have changed and the reasons I'm "here" have as well. Of course, even if I assert that I'm *not that guy anymore*, it's up to you to find out.
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Rogan pfp
Being solitary can be a hefty curse. How do you manage feeling isolated? Asking for a ... friend.
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Rogan pfp
Validation doesn't come cheap or easy.
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Rogan pfp
As I suspected, it was not about friendship or meaningful connection. Just being a cog in the machine. So just be a cog in the machine! Nobody is stopping you. Least of all me.
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Rogan pfp
Imagination is an important part of a complete breakfast.
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Rogan pfp
Any capsuleers on farcaster? Any denizens of New Eden?
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Rogan pfp
I find it perplexing just how difficult it is to have conversations about my art and poetry out in the open. Got to keep trying. Set it all on fire. Set it to music. Set it down gently, or even just superfly off the top rope. I don't even know what I am capable of. I want to find out, though. That is why I'm here!
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Rogan pfp
I was working on a piece of art for a collaboration with @anonymousnobody - and in my heart I kept feeling this overpowering hatred for the art I set out to make. There could be many potential explanations, but in the end I simply destroyed it and started over. Now, I feel more at ease with the concept I'm bringing.
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Rogan pfp
Damn, got serious for a second!
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Rogan pfp
23892 Fairview Lane changed my life. And you? EXPLODE INTO ACTION, Helldivers!
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Rogan pfp
I appreciate the intent and execution of this children's book by the noblest @anonymousnobody: A Balloon On The Ceiling. As someone who has experienced loneliness and a difficult childhood, it resonates with me on a deeper level.
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Rogan pfp
Beer and orange juice, an iconic brunch duo!
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Rogan pfp
GM if you like abstract art (which has concrete origins)!
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Rogan pfp
How are we for Elephant nipples? All stocked up?
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Rogan pfp
The cosmic dice are loaded.
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Rogan pfp
I'm sooooooo happy that all of these bot users are following me, making me seem more important than I really am! Thanks, bot users! A++
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Rogan pfp
Can anybody recommend an outstanding tattoo shop in Miami, particularly SOBE, that does walk-ins or will accept an international booking a few months in advance? Bonus points to you if I actually like what I see when I look into it! And by bonus points, I definitely do not mean $degen.
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Rogan pfp
Deep peace wasn't Lasting grief after a hurricane You put a crease in your life Which is not a piece of paper Lower down the food chain Where the rats and roaches dwell Wallowing in that impersonal hell Too wet, by far, for a fistfight over scraps And definitely too old to be betting Don't Pass
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Rogan pfp
Irony is so thick right now, I could probably use a knife and fork. Got a spare set I can use? 🍴
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Rogan pfp
A palette replete with the hues of earned oblivion Strips the courage from my loins Rather fitting if you stop to consider That these are not brushes (with Death) That this is not paint That it's a guillotine for crooked animals Who'd succumb to such hate Hung for being hungry then Silenced like a monochrome friend
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