Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp

Matthew McDowell-Sweet


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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Finally got around to detailing what it is that irks our saving, sharing and search activity and makes it feel kinda off. Thesis: we're operating in a socio-technical stack that is blind when it comes to Dunbar goods.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
"A Dunbar good is a composite assemblage of information whose value is legible only to a small, difficult-to-define group. Named in honour of the famous Dunbar number, these goods are accessible primarily through immersion or proximity to a specific group, community or locale."
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
What's something you've shared this week? Who'd you share it with, and why? A text-y good, like a blog or book; image, audio, video; maybe a newly discovered IRL hangout; perhaps a sanity-saving product/service; it's all material. —this is a weekly @subset ritual cast...
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Training log, gi: worked on lapel attacks from guard—choke, triangle, arm bar, flower sweep, Omoplate entry/sweep. All built off grip in linked vid. Sparring: tried to push the intensity in between some chill rolls with newbies. Got a few nice sweeps and back takes and sincerely considered a flying arm bar for half a second before nope-ing out.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Today's reading: finished off Sy Montgomery's The Soul of an Octopus. They're damn interesting creatures.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Neat idea. Now incorporated into the /subset channel; inaugural RC going live in 45 mins.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
New @subset blog about an apt metaphor for the coming changes in how we save, share and search.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
"As the story unfolds, we learn that bending is more than a mere skill. It is a holistic practice. One that encompasses physical prowess, spiritual depth, emotional stability, intellectual agility and cultural rootedness. For the bender, it is as much about mastering oneself as it is mastering the manipulation of the elements. Subset affords access to a fifth element. One that people like us—children of the Third Industrial Revolution instead of the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation and Air Nomads—can learn to bend: information."
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
GM. A little reading buffer to start the day...
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Fresh @subset blog that gets into the building blocks of smart sharing.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Queues + promises + string matching = smart sharing. "Smart sharing, however, permits the recipient to access the substring/pattern space inherent in the sharer's output. If the sharer writes, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", then smart sharing enables the recipient to read about only the "brown fox", or just the "lazy dog", or to be periodically notified of "jumps"."
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Training log, no-gi. Drilled some standup and focused on a bunch of takedowns from a body-lock/hold and then progressed to some subs and passes from half-guard. Sparring consisted of 6 x 10 minute rounds, much of which I spent suffocating in and trying to extract myself from various head-arm holds/subs/pressure.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Today's reading? A bunch of vignettes concerning sacred stones—amethyst, turquoise and so on—in Hettie Judah's Lapadirium and the chapter on storage and retrieval from Kleppmann's Designing Data-Intensive Applications.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Today’s read was about stones affiliated with power—malachite, Ruby, sapphire and the like.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
New @paragraph post enumerating the reasons for the unreasonable effectiveness of email digests. Three of my personal favourites...
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
"Like math, recurrent neural networks, big data and protocols, email digests are unreasonably effective. There's a massive asymmetry between the time, energy and expense required to produce them, and the value added for the producer, the recipients and the cultural landscape at large. And that was before Subset came along and made this asymmetry even more pronounced."
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
This morning's read was a chapter from The Soul of an Octopus. Interesting to learn about the basics of their camouflage capabilities, the structure of their cognition, and (sad face) their inevitable senescence in old age.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Shill me those digests. If there's enough (IDK, 50+), I'll go meta and make a digest of digests using /subset and they'll all get posted to a companion repo (like the one for my Mag7 digest).
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
I'm looking for email digests to reference in an upcoming /subset blog. Any digests that spark a lil wave of excitement when they land in your inbox?
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Boosting: a neat program (and one that we'll be looking into for /subset).
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