Maybe Im Wasabi〽️ pfp
Maybe Im Wasabi〽️
What is a mental trick you use personally to snap out of a bad mood or negative thought pattern?
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Phil Cockfield pfp
Phil Cockfield
In cases where you can identify (or maybe sort of identify) the conditions that are causing the bad mood/thoughts, creatively visualize a worse version of the scenario. Kind of a play on the framing effect. 🧠 happy relative to the worse (but not real) scenario. Dali Lama put it: "look down, not up"
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Phil Cockfield pfp
Phil Cockfield
Pays to add - view that new perspective through a lens of "gratitude" it's not as shit. Kind of amazing how the parts of us that feel unhappy, really aren't basing that on anything solid, just inner noise blowing around the system. (society of mind)
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Maybe Im Wasabi〽️ pfp
Maybe Im Wasabi〽️
Ah, like "death" visualization type thing? Samurais did that..right?
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