Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
The most common mistake I see smart people make is overthinking it.
63 replies
76 recasts
752 reactions

Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon pfp
Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon
or underthinking it and releasing dramatically bad ux
2 replies
0 recast
9 reactions

Ben Adamsky (Far,Con) pfp
Ben Adamsky (Far,Con)
1 reply
4 recasts
28 reactions

jtgi pfp
Reminds me of @ediep.eth on a call one time, "guys. lets not overthink it. iq50, what can we do?". "iq50" – I use it all the time now.
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5 reactions

kenny 🎩 pfp
kenny 🎩
for real this is why you should YOLO turn back on reply bumping
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Nader Dabit pfp
Nader Dabit
I need to print this out and put it on my wall 
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Joonatan Lintala | Phaver pfp
Joonatan Lintala | Phaver
Yes especially building for a consumer audience there’s no amount of thinking and analysis that can replace shipping a half-assed mvp and seeing if anyone cares. Trying to constantly remind myself v1 does not have to consider every hypothetical issue yet, just fix when they appear unless it’s real money at risk😅
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1 reaction

​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
if by any chance this is about me please dm or lmk here
2 replies
0 recast
14 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
Next time I’d prefer you just dm me
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4 reactions

welter.eth @ farcon pfp
welter.eth @ farcon
agreed what if you ship something and people use/like it, but you dont know if people would pay for it? do you put a paywall in front of the whole thing for a cheap price for a month and see if people pay? keep it free? or find a middle ground?
1 reply
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2 reactions

q/dau wartime art hoe pfp
q/dau wartime art hoe
just be in the arena etc
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2 reactions

🎩 pfp
0 reply
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2 reactions

Bitfloorsghost 🔵🎩 pfp
Bitfloorsghost 🔵🎩
1 reply
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1 reaction

Kiren Srinivasan pfp
Kiren Srinivasan
The problem isn’t the overthinking mindset! The problem is that it isn’t time-bound
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1 reaction

Clouted pfp
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1 reaction

Gambid pfp
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1 reaction

early 🎏 pfp
early 🎏
Overthinking and underthinking are both potentially problematic to me, balance is key.
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
This explains Rust.
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Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
So the most common dumb people mistake should be overdoing it? 🤔 Tracks but I need to think about it more.
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0 reaction

yangwao ↑ pfp
yangwao ↑
Execution is everything.
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0 reaction