Yassine Landa pfp

Yassine Landa


258 Following

Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Sometimes, working on something can be super rewarding because you feel like part of something bigger. Daily reminder for people here, Farcaster is part of something bigger 💜
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Second this 💯investing in yourself as a founder always always pay off
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Drop your pictures!
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Putting the latest touches at @mbd … Custom algos for everyone are coming to Farcaster 💜
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Right on time !
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Finally getting to trying supercast... Super clean and fast, multi-account support is going to be a game changer to post more about what I am building at @mbd - remind me of this classic from Ish at @a16zcrypto
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Ethereum doesn't come to your city all that often... So we are reserving spots for ETHLondon hackers next week and hosting for free on the "Web3 Guardian's Arch", focus on people building at the intersection of Web3 Social and AI! https://warpcast.com/~/conversations/0x79b48c17b5668da1742ac17a839b2760ec53ca3b
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
When your data scientist is so talented that he could've been a writer or a full-time memester 🤩 🤩
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Hey Londoners and friends coming to the 🇬🇧 next week, I am hosting an exclusive co-living and co-working experience on an iconic houseboat by the River Thames during ETHLondon 2024. We have a dozen spots for residents, looking for DeAI and Web3 Social Builders to come hang and hack with the @mbd team. DM me!
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Web3 social builder energy is 🔥🚀 @afra @abi @suji @grace @brian @0xl
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Nee $ALFAFrens socialFi app by @superfluid on Scroll
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Pardon the chill but I will be dropping some Farcaster alpha this Saturday if you are around https://x.com/openinfo_/status/1763050371893928035?s=46&t=TVGojZlpxXreFQU_7hwxog
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Dropped last bite
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
You guys are making building AI algo feeds for Farcaster super interesting
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
People acting like a bot in the comments… fun but a bad idea (unless you are building sophisticated bot detections models 👀)
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Choose your camp wisely https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMG5uMG0xZDhkeWJidnZiZTIyOWp4ODB0MDVuNTNwaXV5c2VudWdhMiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/l41m2M6Gwq2ogoyju/giphy.gif
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
!attack north
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
I do a breakdown of what's being uploaded to decentralized storage with a focus on web3 social below 👇 https://warpcast.com/yassinelanda.eth/0x13cb2e7c
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Did you know that there is more data uploaded to blockchains than Facebook daily? More juicy titbits in my first /paragraph article: The Rise of Web3 Data. It's my love story with onchain data since 2020 & some thoughts about where it's heading 🔮 https://paragraph.xyz/@yassinelanda.eth/rise-of-web3-data
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
this was a great one @levy @chintan
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