karmacoma pfp



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karmacoma pfp
I don’t even care what it is, if a dish has “Bang Bang” in the name I’m ordering it
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karmacoma pfp
my kid wanted a $6 thing from Starbucks. I asked her: what if you were to lock this into a 5% CD for a year instead? How much would you earn? “uh… 30c?” huge parenting W right there
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karmacoma pfp
same for every SMT based systems
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3 reactions

karmacoma pfp
discovered in a downtempo mix, delightful combination of ambient jazz and electro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqi_EZ0DgrA
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karmacoma pfp
I wanted to validate some assumptions about EVM memory I/O, my intuition was not quite right: - more non aligned writes than I expected - more overwrites than I expected - I expected most overwrites to be scratch and mem pointer, but actually a long tail Has anyone done this kind of analysis at scale?
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5 reactions

karmacoma pfp
TIL the pre-internet OG BASE was created by Visa BankAmericard Authorization System Experimental https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/base-i.asp
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karmacoma pfp
I'm a simple guy, all I want is an EVM memory profiler that looks like defrag.exe. Who is working on this?
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28 reactions

karmacoma pfp
Left shoe is 19g heavier. Keep or return?
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karmacoma pfp
hit me up if you’re building on the EVM and are on the fence about applying, or would like to be referred or something
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9 reactions

karmacoma pfp
oh geez today’s workout is something
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karmacoma pfp
the French are really into formal verification because they have a thing for losing battles
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8 reactions

karmacoma pfp
TIL the ECDSA signature validation is more stringent for transaction validation than for the ecrecover precompile (although from the yellow paper only it's unclear how ecrecover would work for high s values)
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6 reactions

karmacoma pfp
you’re in their direct casts I’m in their protocol specs we are not the same
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11 reactions

karmacoma pfp
Choose your weapon
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karmacoma pfp
return bombing for fun and profit https://x.com/0xkarmacoma/status/1763746082537017725?s=46&t=nmEEpAGKsJFWD9yyl0ScGg
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karmacoma pfp
I'm officially a farcaster contributor
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16 reactions

karmacoma pfp
it now economically makes sense to buy an AVP
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14 reactions

karmacoma pfp
useful script to update foundry and shell completions in one go please help me find the original author gist: https://gist.github.com/karmacoma-eth/f3e2cb7b963191f5a8a0aac1e73c4c87
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8 reactions

karmacoma pfp
In Strava, you can tag elliptical activities as “commute”. Now you know.
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karmacoma pfp
I heard someone say that console.log() is a no-op. It's not. You are making a call to an external address, it's wasting gas and your logs are visible on chain. Here is a dashboard to prove it: https://dune.com/karmacoma/consolelog-on-mainnet
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12 reactions