Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending


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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
maximum respect for those capable of finding out that they're wrong
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
hey regen ppl you are aware there's a $regen token, right?
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
Claude 3 Opus when asked, "what concepts, if they existed in language, would allow humans to more felicitously explore and express valuable ideas?" Brilliant ideas. ChatGPT's response doesn't even compare
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
If you watch people on the edge of a field-of-knowledge the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis starts to seem obvious: otherwise why would the they need to keep inventing language?
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7 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
This quiz: "Would you, if you had the chance, stab someone and throw them into bush in order to get to a penny on the ground?" Me: No. This quiz: WoW yOuRe lAwFuL GoOd
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6 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
so do economists in Europe call it the allocation of tax euros? real question. "tax dollars" just feels so general
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8 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
If poecy was a type of art what would it entail?
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
Really fun working session yesterday on the Negation Game mechanism set. In this thumbnail I achieved a look of optimal derangement and optimism
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8 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
Public goods are dead. Long live network common goods.
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13 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
An interesting variation on the TikTok content discovery mechanism would be a hold to stop scrolling
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7 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
Ok fine /science What’s the best argument for why light is a particle? Note: not why light emission and absorption is quantized, that is different I already believe it
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5 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
Ok so I think electrons and photons are not actually particles. Look up phonons
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14 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
wait /product is paywalled?
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6 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
aiPhone already trademarked, right? RIGFCHTE?!
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
Self dealing, self certifying, citation rings, regulatory capture, revolving doors, sockpuppetry & sybil, but none of them beat the infamous
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12 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
@shreyas cast, in the imperative sense
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2 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
cc @botornot lol
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7 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
when a measure becomes a metric...
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5 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
your fear is my in
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14 reactions

Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
moreon wins the channel naming competition of the century
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