​woj — q/dau pfp

​woj — q/dau


881 Following

​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
hitting the flow state today while designing and implementing the end game for supercast auth
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​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
anybody planning some big announcements during farcon?
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​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
we met irl with @0xsmallbrain but he hasn't doxxed himself so he will forever stay as mr Small Brain in my obsidian notes
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​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
the groupchat is looking at floor punks, time to sell it all
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31 reactions

​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
team everyone
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​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
it feels like @horsefacts.eth and @deodad are running a separate company within warpcast and it's really cool to watch from the sidelines
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52 reactions

​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
since the beginning of crypto, only cults win tech / product / liquidity all get democratized — cults stay and grow when you see a cult forming, and its values overlap with yours, bet hard on it
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​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
first guest coming on the podcast next week anyone can guess who it is?
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​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
"mint from excalidraw" would go hard
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​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
thanks @barmstrong
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77 reactions

​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
crypto checkout coming to stripe in summer 2024 https://stripe.com/en-pl/use-cases/crypto#request-invite
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69 reactions

​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
crypto checkout coming to supercast thanks mr collison
7 replies
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34 reactions

​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
4 replies
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18 reactions

​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
stripe will announce they are a crypto company in 5 minutes
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​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
doing numbers is "the only crypto pod when the hosts are on the ground grinding" that's true the best pods are done from the trenches (like @dwr.eth and @mikedemarais.eth moz episode) in our case, you also have an opportunity to listen to guys who haven't made it yet welcome to the journey
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​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
an opportunity to flex by buying @ted a new laptop
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​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
manifesting a crypto checkout announcement today https://twitter.com/edwinarbus/status/1783512918547661098
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40 reactions

​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
New supercast release! 1. New channels page 2. New frames rendering 3. Fixed coming back to the right cast on mobile 4. New tweet rendering 5. Performance and mobile UX improvements More details below 👇
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​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
new doing numbers episode is live! agenda: - degen farming and recent bans - farcaster business ideas — headless products, bots as a service, communities https://open.spotify.com/episode/3KAvklGOxBoNyBIk5q0NQD?si=McB7LiNGS0aVzvBAEgftNg
6 replies
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42 reactions

​woj — q/dau pfp
​woj — q/dau
yo degens im on drakula
10 replies
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47 reactions