Integrated Kyle e/acc pfp
Integrated Kyle e/acc
Doing a 200 mile one-day bike ride end of March Will be doing a lot of training over the next 3 months to prep What are your recomendations for stretching and other recovery practices? Currently most focused on stretching IT band and using foam roller for lower back
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McBain  pfp
I’m excited for you my next big goal is 50 miles. I’m looking forward to seeing what you do to prep.
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JB Rubinovitz ⌐◨-◨ pfp
JB Rubinovitz ⌐◨-◨
I have a very tight IT band and theragunning is helpful alongside stretching. Unsure if applicable but sharing anyway: My soleus gets really tight, but it won’t be obvious until it’s too late so I stretch and theragun that too.
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