Patrick Atwater pfp

Patrick Atwater


22 Following

Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
These little paragraph cast summaries are pretty on point. I’d be curious to what I presume is an LLM prompt behind the thing
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
whoa guys I just googled to find a SV HBO series tongue and cheek image about So Lo Mo and just realized that its actually a thing. lolololol I guess the bit about whether its a parody or documentary is too true
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
N00b question: does paragrap xyz support rss
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
“What is the sound of one hand clapping” The sight of a sunset before dawn
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
Guys when am I guy to be able to sign into and schedule doctors appointments with MetaMask So annoying to call and navigate phone tree bureaucracy
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
Is there a way to set up ifttt style automations with farcaster Any utilities functions someone’s already built for a lazy person like me
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
The blob is real
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
What’s up with all the encyclopedist esque energy refactoring channels rather than posting super serial novel insights
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
US 2024 in a nutshell
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
Wow digging back into web3 after a year ish away due to dayjob yada blada and can start to see compelling non UX punishing use cases The integration of Farcaster comments into paragraph posts and auto summary via Ai is subtle and dare I say elegant
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
@paragraph is there an easy way you can have new paragraph posts auto post to a Farcaster account? Wasn’t able to figure that out from the docs
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
Cool story from an acquaintance about opening up a bookstore on a Greek island… I feel a Shakespeare and co style bookstore that took crypto and had clever ways of blending digital and physical space could do really well
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
How reliable is Wikipedia in your experience? 1 not at all to 10 the open access editing protocol trends to the absolute inviolate truth. And why. 🙏
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
Is Wikipedia still reliable? Harpers has a piece out documenting the shadow ey funding apparatus s that go into manipulating the worlds de facto authority, something ive seen firsthand
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
World at war! Not good
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
Any examples of using a gpt to moderate a running async conversation among a small group? Noodling on how to do that for college friends
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
Gm No matter the gloom. Our little buddy boom had surgery for IVDD — the back problems that cause daschunds to lose leg function. One day he was playing with our other dog scout, the next he was dragging a paw and soon couldn’t use his hind legs. Brutal. Luckily we have pet insurance and the prognosis is good
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