Patrick Atwater pfp

Patrick Atwater


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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
“*We know that there is no help for us but from one another, that no hand will save us if we do not reach out our hand. All you have is what you are, and what you give.*“ ~ Ursula LeGuin
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
'We live in an apocalyptic age, but we are not the first to do so. Apocalyptic periods before us have produced great works of the spirit—works which signaled an emergence from the darkness. Other times of crisis yielded supinely and left the record of their despair in the labyrinthine decoration or tinkling symbol.'
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
I had fun tonight explore a conjecture that I've had that men are actually more emotional than women but our current cultural codes don't provide the skills to manage and effectively channel emotional energy. I think that people often mislabel emotions as irrationality or other stuff like that through really they seem pretty clearly to me to be an evolutionary adaptive tool that's a foundational part of human intelligence -- much more so that say the brain actually. (The endocrine system is closer to firmware in an OS analogy.) Emotions are something like a predictive states machine to quickly shift the internal computational environment. Closing out one software program and opening another for example. Consider something like shame. That's a tool for navigating a percieved future risk of group ostracizement, a powerful threat to a human's survival in most of our evolutionary existence. Anywho here's the takeaway from gpt
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
Cyberpaleo lifestyles More remote work could mimic certain aspects of hunter gather bands—fluid, adaptable, and less hierarchical. I wonder: What aspects of that paleo lifestyle could be intentionally designed into modern organizations ranging from the family to the firm?
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
South Park now the king of cartoons with Rick and Morty slowing down and getting past its funniness
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
My life finally started to feel stabilized after the crazy January with the wildfires in LA and dealing with evacuations, family migration in the transition of a new job. I recently got asked to lead a big internal efficiency project which is awesome and I'm excited for though emphasizes the need to find rest and calm through change
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
One of the great errors of an elite education, then, is that it teaches you to think that measures of intelligence and academic achievement are measures of value in some moral or metaphysical sense. But they’re not. Graduates of elite schools are not more valuable than stupid people, or talentless people, or even lazy people. Their pain does not hurt more. Their souls do not weigh more.
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
Wow the 19th century was weirder and wilder then one could possibly imagine From 1848 revolutions to US Reconstruction!!!!! """ Carl Schurz captured the venom that suffused American social relations in the conquered South in an incident that took place in a Savannah hotel. Schurz was a German émigré and refugee from the failed European revolutions of 1848. He had settled in Missouri and become a general in the Union army. He knew what it meant to lose a revolution, and he knew that defeat did not necessarily change minds. He was in 1865 a Radical, sent to the South by the president to report on conditions there.
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
Where is the cozy Web protocol so that one can easily update different groups of friends and family about life stuff
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
Hey, my silly blog made marginal revolution today!,-best-hope-to-save-the-republic
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
💯 "The field for inspiring visions for America and the world is wide open." 1.42 decades ago I quit my stable public finance analyst excel monkey gig and launched an indie zine via an essay contest on pioneering digitally native government operations. Results here: A v2.0 feels timely
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
What are the categories of apps where web3 is / will 10x better than normal web in short order? - stuff where resilience to national censorship is key aka farcaster et all - stablecoins seem to be a thing? iunno that's what old school econ folks on MR say - games? I feel like there's gotta be some sorta unlock for a meta-game with stuff unlocked across many specific games. open world rpg mechanics - are communities like cabin dao actually working? I've poked my head in there every now and then and curious to see if artists and writers and actual creatives are making use of that. - what are the areas where the eth vision of a world computer really comes into play? Basically looking for stuff where tech is a means rather than an end
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
I had a little fun this morning developing* a list of questions for CA’s 2026 gubernatorial hopefuls.
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
Getting Av s right is are less like going to the moon and more like building Irvine
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
"Today, the Salton Sea is an eerie place. Its mirror-like surface belies the toxic stew within. Fish skeletons line its shores and the ruins of a once thriving vacation playground is a reminder of better days. But long before agricultural runoff bespoiled the Salton Sea, the lakebed it now occupies was home to a much larger body of water known as Lake Cahuilla. The lake was six times the area of the Salton Sea and once covered much of Mexicali, Imperial and Coachella valleys."
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
"After the great crash of 2008, Americans awoke and saw their country the way anti-Americans have always seen it: spendthrift, decadent, and corrupt. The city on a hill had become a mismanaged empire; the land of self-reliance was buried in debt. Our political class had run up enormous deficits at home and entangled us in never-ending military operations overseas. Our financial elites had been exposed as reckless, self-deluded speculators who had gambled away the country’s economic future and then gone begging for a bailout. And the whole mess had been made possible by middle America’s relentless appetite—for bigger houses, bigger portfolios, bigger government programs, bigger everything, and damn the long-term cost."
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
Feels sorta obvious that smartphones are on the way out Not sure if glasses will be what's next
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Patrick Atwater pfp
Patrick Atwater
What on earth So bad So dumb
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