McBain  pfp



793 Following

McBain  pfp
We just got a 100k $degen grant! Thank you degen team!
7 replies
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47 reactions

McBain  pfp
Lawrence knows
0 reply
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4 reactions

McBain  pfp
The stress that I could/should be building more
15 replies
4 recasts
40 reactions

McBain  pfp
I have an hour drive if someone wants to chat farcaster/farcon
5 replies
1 recast
12 reactions

McBain  pfp
3000 degen for anyone who can help me with a frame build
31 replies
8 recasts
41 reactions

McBain  pfp
It's going in a frame, and I'm going to spend all day helping my mother in law. Launching a product the week before you're helping organize /Farcon is a great idea TipCannon in a frame is underway No new boom date, will just announce when its live
5 replies
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23 reactions

McBain  pfp
BRB I may put this whole thing in a frame
6 replies
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33 reactions

McBain  pfp
Bromero in the wild
1 reply
3 recasts
22 reactions

McBain  pfp
$POLITEDECLINE to the gosh darn moon y'all
1 reply
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8 reactions

McBain  pfp
Golden knights look really dominant
7 replies
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17 reactions

McBain  pfp
I'm taking my 7 year old son to Farcon! His name is Harrison. My goal for this week is for him to have fun and learn how to better talk to adults and be part of the conversation, not just pivot it to Minecraft lol Also he has to write a report for school What other ideas/goals/quests do you have for Harry?
17 replies
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62 reactions

McBain  pfp
2 replies
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39 reactions

McBain  pfp
Is Is a Canadian team gonna win it all? Should we bet on this?
5 replies
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37 reactions

McBain  pfp
About to go play there top team in the beer league Wish me luck
11 replies
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35 reactions

McBain  pfp
Cannon will not go Boom today I'm pretty sad about it. Entirely the fault of my own engineering prowess New Cannon go boom date is 4/24 @ 4:20pm The cannon thanks you for your patience
4 replies
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40 reactions

McBain  pfp
Making dinner Will return to priming the cannon afterwards
2 replies
2 recasts
26 reactions

McBain  pfp
TipCannon will fire But may not be at 4:20 on 4/20 At least not PST
8 replies
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28 reactions

McBain  pfp
If every person with a tip allowance played TipCannon each day How much do you guess the daily blast would be?
6 replies
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14 reactions

McBain  pfp
Easiest way to get FIDs from FName en masse?
6 replies
1 recast
18 reactions

McBain  pfp
🥅🏒Playoffs are here
5 replies
0 recast
25 reactions