JB Rubinovitz  pfp

JB Rubinovitz


394 Following

JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
Farcaster is this, but retains the online game. The community invests quickly in every interesting project we find. https://x.com/0xferruccio/status/1782168748071272959?s=46
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
It's a great time to compete with the big studios. Trad media lost its distribution monopoly and is struggling to compete with internet content. We have a real shot if we keep building amazing creator and audience communities. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4n48FeV7nsqD36HkO7CpHq?si=fjq5vOktTYu0ts4-x9W3Gw
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
For the Color Nerds, From the Design Systems Lead @ respectable offchain company Stripe https://matthewstrom.com/writing/generating-color-palettes/
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
It’s common for AI safety researches to compare AI safety policy to nuclear policy. Given the emerging energy constrains of AI, it’s looking like we may have to solve nuclear and AI policy at the same time.
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
Anyone know the best place to rent a surfboard for the week of /farcon around Venice? Because I don’t drive, bonus points for: 1. Online payment 2. Locker to leave the board all week 3. Outdoor shower for board and wetsuit
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
Day in the life at Station3
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
A thing I love about channel passes: If you got your pass revoked making an honest mistake, just buy another pass and try again.
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
Working on the first Nouns.social /nouns-propdates NFT and realizing how many party objects lend themselves to dynamic NFTs Stay tuned
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
Being a founder is dreaming of the day you can fire yourself from certain jobs.
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
We shrimped for 10 minutes straight Friday night. The least sexy way to get great abs in NYC.
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
Cool left curve idea https://warpcast.com/slobo.eth/0x4fc12ce4
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
Making decisions fast isn’t just for the org, but also the founder. Overthinking every decision while more decisions queue up is crazymaking.
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
TIPS FOR GETTING HIRED AS A JR ENG/NEW GRAD I’m receiving many resumes that try to coast on having internship experiences and/or an Ivy League degree. Hiring managers in this market DO NOT CARE.* Show you can add lots of value to the org on day 1 or you’re not getting hired. More below.
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
Happy decentralized ai summit! Hope to see some of y’all there.
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
When you are politely turned away from the Zora beta
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
Finally figured out how to get Figma AI to generate good, responsive React code! 1. Learn flexbox (a CSS convention) 2. Treat your layers and auto layout like they’re flexbox 3. AI understands it and creates flexbox compatible, responsive code. https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
Congrats to @dennison @tallyxyz et al. on actually onchain multichain governance https://tally.mirror.xyz/peHXv-1Bv4RY6Hf3UeCSH74aCu2e2ttSMytxJwB7DpY
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
Ping @catjam with your pitch for how to improve gitcoin grants and you may get paid to build it! https://x.com/meglister/status/1776651347711942945?s=46
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
Should I get back into Warhammer or will it eat my life? I used to play as a kid, and like the idea of painting models again and fighting wars. I do not like the idea of spending lots of money and time.
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
This but federated and creator owned https://x.com/blakeir/status/1775555715169501348?s=46
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