vincent pfp
I have definitely seen some Asian- and EU-based timezone posters on Farcaster over the months. Were active, now not so much.
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Interesting. Do you have numbers of members’ demographics? If Asian hubs do not reach some mass… Also, is this super recent trend? In Japan, Twitter is as strong as ever, and some people pile on BlueSky recently, so it might people trying options.
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🎥🌳 pfp
I almost exclusively nitecast out here on the west coast of the Pacific and like the ocean ebb & flow based off of deep work
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Shay Michelle  pfp
Shay Michelle
It can get a little quiet for us in Australia/NZ due to time zones. It’s coming into winter here, yet we can struggle to find enough activity to warm up here when it matters 🤷🏻‍♀️. We are patient- it improves when more onboard eventually.
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
timezone is a thing.
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timdaub pfp
yeah agreed, seems some of them churned. On Saturday is was pretty sad around here so that I created a huge scene so that it became better
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Robin A. pfp
Robin A.
LDN based 👋
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Mac Budkowski ᵏ pfp
Mac Budkowski ᵏ
I started to post around 5pm to reach our fellow Americans as well
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markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
I post nearly every day
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Anna Morris 🎩🍿 pfp
Anna Morris 🎩🍿
Being EU adjacent I have an excuse - warm weather is finally here after 5 months of winter, so less time for social media 😅
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frdysk 🦠 pfp
frdysk 🦠
Feels more US EU centric
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