markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d


670 Following

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
1 reply
4 recasts
17 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
This scam account is now verified and has blocked me :/ Please report, if you can
4 replies
3 recasts
25 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
Not true, first cast was November 2021
9 replies
4 recasts
23 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
Please, if you can, report this account on X: They are impersonating our brand account and trying to drain you.
7 replies
2 recasts
10 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
Mint link is here :)
3 replies
0 recast
8 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
New batch of ethOS Pixel 7As dropped! Mint them on Base first here. @base
17 replies
12 recasts
50 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
This is an awesome review on ethOS:
1 reply
7 recasts
18 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
Join me on Daimo!
1 reply
2 recasts
13 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
1 reply
0 recast
7 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
There is no better feeling then removing a fuck ton of code
9 replies
4 recasts
60 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
0 reply
0 recast
5 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
In light of reaching 15k followers on here: AMA!
5 replies
0 recast
7 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
1 reply
1 recast
19 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
Excited to do many frame txs on ethOS :)
0 reply
1 recast
12 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
If success is 1% probable, I just repeat 100 times
1 reply
1 recast
14 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
What are some apps using MWP I can try?
1 reply
2 recasts
5 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
Who's here from farcaster?
1 reply
0 recast
5 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
I reverse engineered the coinbase /mwp and made it so that on ethOS, all txs are in-feed. Only on ethOS.
2 replies
2 recasts
9 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
Switching to your wallet app sucks. On ethOS, you don't have to. On ethOS, transactions just work. ethOS is a glass of ice water in mobile crypto hell.
6 replies
8 recasts
27 reactions

markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
In-Frame txs are here! (on ethOS)
7 replies
7 recasts
28 reactions