Eric Platon pfp

Eric Platon


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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Climate Robotics Network, apparently started early this year or a bit before. Still reading the white paper, but rather comprehensive and solid. Perhaps a bit too anthropocentric still.
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Are robot IoT scramblers proposed by police really needed and justified? Genuine question trigger by how such tech could lead to abuse, and clearly introducing power asymmetry between law enforcement and citizens.
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
How do founders in the UK react to the new government? Nothing done yet, but my partner fears “leftist” policies will weigh in the company.
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Are there some global analysis readings on the current effect of political instabilities to geopolitics? The US politics is quite exciting—or should I say not boring in the usual ways; the UK feels like an outlier for now; Europe tilts to a new kind of far-right, yet a far-right; Argentina and its lithium; 2 wars between opposite views of the world; countries sending literal shit to neighbours…
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Apparently there are still isolated people on our planet.
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Incentivate your bias.
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
In the UK, patenting technology in your product allows to reduce corporate tax from 25% to 10% (a few conditions, but simplifying for the cast). I was to say TIL, but I forgot more than once. Cool, we've been doing it, and spreading the information if someone is interested. Yet, why such an incentive? I find it very odd, perhaps why I can never remember.
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Who cares if this one has been shared already? 💩 A few days to go.
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
AlphaGo applied to data centres was supposed to save up to 40% on the bill (there was a publication from Google; can’t find it yet). Now AI payloads and trying to catchup on Microsoft (who is not apologetic on AI being greedy) make Google spend more. Today it looks like pick one: “Current /ai ” or /climate . Of course there is the option of “next AI”, but timing is everything /gloom .
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
While many countries are on a slope to the right of the right, it seems British are hopeful contrarians. A landslide it is. Consequences of Brexit seem a big determinant. Yet Europe is changing, so what’s different in the UK ?
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Trying to read about Japan just before and during the Second World War. To understand how the country did what it did. Any recommendations? Search exposes so many books, usually super thick, and by the title sometimes focus on specific subjects (e.g. the Japanese constitution).
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Government and settlers practices are really sneaky. Yet looking down and flex muscles in geopolitics look pretty much the norm.
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Not sure of the business case, but impressive remote.
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
To my knowledge a fair assessment of the situation in France (compared with publications from different political leaning, domestic and abroad).
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Call for memes. For now, just one word:💩
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
What is the history of the name for this US company? I can't say for 1961, but quite negative connotations these days.
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Quality gloom. “The losers of this game of environmental chance would start appearing as climate refugees at the winners’ doorstep, ready to worship new gods.” Via @ommalik
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
There is something in non-LLM, non-CN, non-LSTM, biological intelligence.
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Nice demo. It looks real-time video. Not sure of practical uses, or how fast we get tired of it.
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Eric Platon pfp
Eric Platon
Vocabulary list for the week.
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