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🎥🌳 pfp
Grow A Tree On The Timeline A 2ish year thread on how to grow a story into a studio into a tv show and a film.
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🎥🌳 pfp
The dream isn't dead, just hard to bring to life. feels impossible somedays for now figuring out ways to make money to keep working on this... will be on here less, but as always talk to me about anything filmmaking related anytime (I'll even help you figure out preproduction and disytrubtioin stuff)
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🎥🌳 pfp
/filmatree - the filmmaking process (development, preproduction, production, postproduction & distribution) remapped for the Internet as a series of games, open to all, right on your Warpcast timeline.
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🎥🌳 pfp
I’ve come to a similar conclusion: Suffering and pain are only natural experiences in life. After tragedy or trauma we still have energy left. Either it can be used for destruction or creation. Natural forces of destruction in the Universe are far more powerful than any of humanity. So we must choose creation of beauty. Poetic that the detail of beauty we can create is far greater than anything the Universe can create. It is, what makes us special as a species. We must create. I must create.
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🎥🌳 pfp
how to build 101 right here with Kenny's journey the vision and unrelenting effort is inspirational
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🎥🌳 pfp
The master, Hayao Miyazaki. Funny enough listening to this soundtrack with my sick daughter right now He’s a huge inspiration for the story I’m working on, so I can breathe life into the first Filmatree. https://music.apple.com/us/album/my-neighbor-totoro-original-soundtrack/882410520
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🎥🌳 pfp
My wife and I both caught throw up tonight. What baseball teams are lacking on defense?
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🎥🌳 pfp
This is great advice for anything you find: -trash -garbage -shit instead balance out the Internet by sharing crazy art or even creating something crazy yourself
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🎥🌳 pfp
I wish there was a large creator fund - something that funded positive sum creative projects / art
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🎥🌳 pfp
'I'm Naisha pleased to meet you' goes so hard in this for some reason https://music.apple.com/us/album/talk-to-me-feat-naisha/1774350902?i=1774350908
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🎥🌳 pfp
Took me a while, but I've come around on Fred again... https://music.apple.com/us/album/places-to-be/1747373137?i=1747373147
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🎥🌳 pfp
Art in San Francisco / East Bay was suffocated as tech came to dominate in the teens. This is true of the way Hollywood came to engulf Los Angles in the 50s/60s. Balance in a city hard. The Internet is boundless, but still need balance. I know of no other place on the Internet where you have coexistence like Warpcast. There are techies building here, philosophers helping us see bird eye views and culture makers trying to thrive on this frontier. The biggest holdback of Warpcast is the balance. There still needs to be a better way for culture makers here to thrive along side builders. Talking about it is a good first step, cross-over is next https://warpcast.com/july/0xfd5bf164
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🎥🌳 pfp
Even Kazi gets how important art to society is and will be. Bullish on culture here
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🎥🌳 pfp
Artists are it - code with no art is just a database. Buy good art. Buy more 1/1s. Support artists
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🎥🌳 pfp
Don't think enough people acknowledge how attention spans have truly altered filmmaking: The Wire's Bible (from the turn of the millennium) took 79 pages (http://kottke.org.s3.amazonaws.com/the-wire/The_Wire_-_Bible.pdf) to be picked up by HBO True Detective's Bible (from the teens) only took 10 pages (https://thescriptlab.com/wp-content/uploads/scripts/TrueDetective_Bible.pdf) to be picked up by HBO True Decective also does some legwork for execs around how to syndicate and run the show structure. Imagine how even more focused and succinct the bibles of today have to be...
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🎥🌳 pfp
Let's go https://music.apple.com/us/album/sinnerman-live-in-new-york-1965/1469585670?i=1469586230
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🎥🌳 pfp
someone tell horsefacts what mogging means
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🎥🌳 pfp
creating is non-linear :/
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🎥🌳 pfp
You’re on Farcaster. You’re right where you’re meant to be. The geopolitical / global financial tectonic plates are going through a shift right now that will have ramifications for the next decade. Hold on, be smart and keep challenging yourself to grow, learn and create. If you can do all of that - you’ll set yourself and your loved ones up for when the dust settles. Keep going. You got this!
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🎥🌳 pfp
POV: you still have a +500 point boost waiting for you, siting in 1,467 place https://warpcast.com/v/0x4c4597f0 https://media.tenor.com/kI7dBWFL-64AAAAC/the-fast-and-the-furious-tokyo-drift
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