πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp



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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
welp. I'm out ✌️
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
hate trading, but it is the only way /filmatree gets a proper funding start so it goes
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
lala land here I come land of juice & food divine prefect place for summertime
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
the flow between creating and self-editing is hard, but the necessary leaps over the chasm are even harder, especially with the Modern Internet more communal creations will help me with this in the future... and there in lies part of my continual problem
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
so close to finishing, yet seemingly always a couple of weeks away 😀
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
Northern California could sure use some more communial love again
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
No matter our differences ~ everyone on here is a writer Something magical & worth a lot more than anyone knows
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
Passive consumption is the baseline. If you require more of a modern consumer there better be opportunities on the other end of your ask
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
Future-sounds, with the videos to match Always a welcome sight
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
Hear me out: Twitter feed (home feed now) & Reddit feed (slide over to Reddit style channel feeds, image & title based)
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
How creatives come together on the Internet to tell new stories in new ways is the future. With input from fans & supporters alike. 5 studio heads (now streaming heads) shouldn’t be deciding what gets repackaged into your face
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
The greatest psyop continues... Netflix in the the teens: 'we are data driven, its why we'll grow' Hollywood: 'we need growth, we must compete so we can have data too' Hollywood proceeds to chop off their arms to start competing streaming services Netflix in the 20's: 'j.k. we're gut-feeling driven, its why we continue to grow' Hollywood: 'oh-no, we're up up shits creek without a paddle - but at least we still have an ad business & the cheapest tv to produce with reality' Netflix: 'hold my beer' https://www.indiewire.com/news/business/netflix-adds-8-million-subscribers-q2-2024-earnings-1235025859/
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
Warner Bros Discovery mulls break-up to boost stock price - aRe wE unBuNdlnG alReAdy? https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/warner-bros-discovery-mulls-splitting-company-boost-stock-price-ft-reports-2024-07-18/
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
Not my typical vibe, but seems like a perfect summer vibe of Bossa nova + tropical house https://music.apple.com/us/album/lovestained/1473133698?i=1473133786
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
Netflix earnings today after the bell. Rumors are on subscriber miss. If so that doesn't bode well for wider economy, it'll likely single at this point near saturation of subscribers for streaming as a whole. Where does growth come next? Bundling. Where do new stories come from? Anyones guess
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
It’s been very clear this week that absolutely everyone needs a resident 2year old to remind them that glitter & cupcakes solve everything
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
It’s wild seeing all the information arbitrage that still exist on the Internet in 2024 Like days (sometimes even months) for big news or info to move from one group/social site to another social site/group
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
Firings will continue until qDAU improves As long as legacy media continues to carry linear offerings the more mergers will need to happen, until linear is under one roof. Meanwhile Netflix will continue to eat everyone's lunch, including Disney's The only way they'll stop the bleeding is to find a new technology to provide a new opportunity to the creatives currently not being served by Netflix [read tighter creator networks aka this platform] If they continue to be laggards, we'll just end up back to Verizon vs ATT duopoly for filmmaking - which doesn't matter for creatives as much as people fear... because at this point Netflix is downstream of social media, which means as a creative your best chance at taping into the funding is proving you already have distribution. Then good story comes next. Like it or not, creativity as an industry is now tech - understand underlining currents & history of building social media companies https://deadline.com/2024/07/warner-bros-discovery-layoffs-1236011779/
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
the amount of writing I do that never sees anyone else's eyeballs is staggering
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πŸŽ₯🌳 pfp
Also why restaurant industry is struggling in LA right now... https://www.thewrap.com/film-tv-production-2024-levels/
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