timdaub pfp



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timdaub pfp
For the PWA haters, specifically @dwr.eth @salvino, I recommend the following spiritual mantra therapy to dissolve the doubts & uncertainty 🗣️ Left&right headphone: Kamala saying "what can be, unburdened by what has been" while repeating to your monitor "progressive web apps" for the entirety of the video
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timdaub pfp
I can imagine PWAs to be unburdened by what has been
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timdaub pfp
How to build the ensdata.net for Farcaster profile data that can run for everyone for idk 5 bucks a month
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timdaub pfp
People do not appreciate enough what absolute chad Taleb is for saying that gamblers are fragilistas that must not be trusted. 10 years of ZIRP and my guy is just standing his ground and giving reasonable life advice to Euros.
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timdaub pfp
Before someone says that this is too much to ask for or whatever. - Cloudflare has 0 USD edge caching globally with endless scalability - VPS are very cheap - 500k accounts shouldn't take too much space, a VPS should manage to handle - rate limiting can prevent bad actors - totally fine to pay 10 USD as a service to community. Or even run it for free. E.g. we have sent pugson some money because we are using ensdata and if he has built it in a nice way, we probably have paid for a lot of the server costs - tons of ways to make this better. Show a person's mirror/paragraph, their lens, etc.
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timdaub pfp
Best way to get Farcaster profile data? Must haves: - Free - No account required - Simply query - Extremely fast responses, cached - Query by connected address - Service, not a GitHub repo Please be precise, must match ALL of the above
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timdaub pfp
Getting a Farcaster profile's metadata is the simplest fucking query in the world GET /api/v1/profile?address=0x... yet people here have managed to make it an ABSOLUTE PAIN. A few examples from different providers: 1. Responses are not cached or the admin seems incapable of setting database indexes 2. VC-funded startup that raised double digit millions but wants you to pay 9 USD a month for this crap 3. Startup implements most insane non-standard graphql query 4. Random dude runs a smooth API but has since gone AFK and stopped indexing most entries without telling anyone. Listen peeps, y'all need to take a close look at @pugson's ensdata.net which is fast, no bullshit and has been virtually free and to use for anyone for years.
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timdaub pfp
my man is a /europoooooor locked into New York productivitymaxxing culture https://warpcast.com/proxystudio.eth/0x7f755483
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timdaub pfp
Few will manage to achieve this level of „locked in“
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timdaub pfp
Taking the easy money now, and promising to do good later was who‘s infamous strategy again? Somehow this has become super mainstream among founders 🤔
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timdaub pfp
For people who think it‘s annoying that we dramatize the PWA issue, here is the boring truth compressed in a cast. 2 likes in 3hrs medium is the message
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timdaub pfp
> go to Oberholz > hot ppl pretending to work everywhere > lock in, don‘t talk to anyone, just work > evening, go home
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timdaub pfp
People have bought way beyond 0.004 ETH of my cards (left), yet my wallet credits me only with 0.004 ETH (right). Shouldn‘t I be getting a majority of the ETH from primary and /scoop just a minor fee? This is my likeness, not /scoop‘s What‘s going on? Am I missing something?
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timdaub pfp
Building a personal brand is just fully committing to the thing you anyways wanted to be?
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timdaub pfp
🧵Thread on how we‘re building /kiwi-news and why it is important to build it in this way. (I continue it in this cast‘s replies 👇)
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timdaub pfp
As a /founders my job is to generate new information by ergodicically exploring the plane of possibilities. Breaking an earlier invariant is good risk taking and could lead to higher returns.
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timdaub pfp
What car was that?
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timdaub pfp
If I was a cat, I‘d let the mice play until…
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timdaub pfp
Kinda don‘t get how people still use ChatGPT at work for text generation since we‘ve adapted to spot its usage. Skill issue?
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timdaub pfp
Trading leveraged DEGEN means you are having a gambling problem
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