July pfp



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Sine pfp
🤷‍♀️ Seems kinda topical: "Investment Simulation" for C64 (1983) Emulator here: https://archive.org/details/investsim.c64
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July pfp
Hey just a heads up - /engineering is mainly for engineering (electrical, mechanical, systems, materials science, chemical etc), if you want software engineering I suggest /frontend /backend etc
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Founder Tip of the Day #107: Get sleep (I'm not kidding)
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July pfp
Resist the urge to agree to “Oh we should use a task management tool” You have to understand - who is this going to benefit from this?
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July pfp
treating engineers like cattle is not the way forward imo
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July pfp
hah the "customer" of Linear and Jira are not engineers. They are the project managers, it's a way to provide more power over engineers. That's why you have to resist tools that put power in the position of useless project managers imo
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July pfp
@nonlinear.eth rules everything around me
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July pfp
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July pfp
Reminded of what @maurice casted recently. We really need the basis of liberal arts and humanities that backs the technology, because what it provides is a map, a map of who we are as a species and entity, and technology can only be applied on top of who we are, not in a vacuum https://warpcast.com/maurice/0x8e0aa198
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July pfp
Because all that progress, even if you come up with it -- it can't just be applied in a vacuum, you have to understand who we are, where we are going, what our needs our, what are dreams our, what we love, what we care about, what we would die for - and only then it becomes easier to build things that apply that tech
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July pfp
Forgetting this is like starting a restaurant, and being obsessed so much with how to run a restaurant, and how to optimize running a restaurant that you forget to actually serve food, and that you need to make food that is good, and edible. Progress, in some ways requires us to understand our needs, who we are
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July pfp
I think that one should take a stand, somewhere, on something. My stand: it's important to remember that rational perspective and science, and technology and progress - it's a means, not an end. The end is the improvement of quality of life, and betterment of humanity as a whole. The means is a way to get to that end
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July pfp
The rational perspective, and science in general has a tendency to focus on the problem, and shut everything else out. I think this makes sense, if you were learning how to code and you had to question what a "variable" meant in life instead of just accepting it, it would take too long. That being said...
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July pfp
The real world is not linear Nonlinear dynamical systems rule everything around me
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Adam pfp
It can't be understated just how much of a trail blazer Dan/Danielle Bunten Berry was. I keep returning to this segment from Sid Meier's Memoir to remind myself that no matter how far out an idea might seem to most, you should never underestimate what you can will into existence
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Maurice pfp
Technical details alone do not make products successful. Products have to tell stories, inspire people, make them dream. Few people were as good at this as Steve Jobs.
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Maurice pfp
“It's technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our hearts sing.” - Steve Jobs https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/steve-jobs-technology-alone-is-not-enough
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I N V E R S E 🌎 pfp
I N V E R S E 🌎
@july ☝️ Thank you for your fearless introspection, deeply inspiring. This game we play. Science and Art come together. A cold rational truth will not save us alone. We need myths, and a long journey. An Odyssey. Thank you A R T I S ⚾️ U R S P O R T 🙏
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Maurice pfp
Good morning, I’m listening to the Oboe Concert in D minor by Alessandro Marcello. From the /classical channel playlist. https://open.spotify.com/track/3NaQ3BFKDXjpv254bWeV0S?si=W8yWywFaTaC_EF4ZcEWK1Q
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Harper pfp
do not rush your time between! the value of time spent not "working" can be hard to quantify. lean into it. patience will yield a more fulfilling path. shoutout @jake for putting this to paper so elegantly.
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