Content pfp
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July pfp
Recently I’m realizing that I need a lot of time to just thing for myself. If I’m not careful I just read a bunch of stuff, and then I just regurgitate it as if it’s my viewpoint. And honestly that’s fine, if that’s your thing. But I honestly am more interested in perspectives but I’ve been thought through and kneaded like a dough over and over. I think we live in an age where everyone wants everything in an instant, and opinions of others are wanted constantly. But screw that, take your time and knead your dough is what I say. Don’t let others tell you otherwise. Your dough is precious - you don’t have to let others think for you all the time.
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July pfp
In other words - there is a beauty in the memetic. It’s pretty crazy that it allows us to transfer knowledge and viewpoints and ideas quickly and share them with other people, especially through medium that’s borderline instantaneous like the Internet. On the Internet you can share ideas instantly, and they’re digestible and sharable. But I guess what I’m trying to say is that it also means that you could become infected a lot easier by these memes. So if you just keep feeding it and feeding it, you might end up not even having a single fault of your own
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Adam pfp
Well said, as always @july I made a conscious effort to take a similar approach when I started seeing a rise in regurgitated viewpoints. People often state these opinions as if they're facts. I get that adapting someone's viewpoint wholesale takes the pressure off from forming your own, but its a slippery slope few recover from IMO.
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an old New Guinean proverb: “Knowledge is only rumour, until it is in the muscle.”
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Wev 🐰 pfp
Wev 🐰
The beat poets had this idea of “first thought, best thought” and it sounds good but after consideration decided it’s not for me. My first thought is often just what I’ve heard elsewhere — it’s someone else’s thought. But if I take the time look at something from different angles I can get past that initial reaction and figure out if I agree with it or have a different take
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Brent Fitzgerald pfp
Brent Fitzgerald
My kneading is out of practice. And my starter has been in the back of my fridge awhile. Probs still alive, just need to feed it. But yes, I similarly feel that with abundance of content and takes and info, it all blurs and I easily slip into a kind of entropic creativity heat death. It’s all just cheap and unearned and then discarded.
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Naomi  pfp
I have the perfect Schopenhauer quote for you. "When we read someone else thinks for us: we just repeat the mental process." He also warned that it's important to retain the ability to think for oneself and not just reiterate what others wrote. Probably why he also opined one can give the brain too much nourishment. If too much time is spend on just reading other people's opinions there's too little to reflect.
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xing2025 pfp
Build myself structure
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Maurice pfp
It feels like, I don't know exactly, but I think it's become more difficult to think about ideas/concepts/philosophies in depth and take your time to think. I have to say I get distracted quite easily, and the overload of information doesn't help either... I think I have too much access to knowledge sometimes, it used to be easier (in my childhood) when you only had a few books and were limited.
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tomu pfp
taking time to think about things is so important one thing i've been doing is starting my day with a blank page, not consuming any content, but just sitting there with my thoughts. it's a peaceful and beautiful moment
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Samuel ツ pfp
Samuel ツ
the more I think the more I become me. in that I embrace me. I feel uncomfortable in my head a lot, but coming out of it more me. when I look back I was still me, but some parts I supressed. It's nice and hard to think as much / be in your own head. Though I 100% agree that thinking about topics / opinions and questioning "why do I think that" is the greatest and leads to one's OWN opinions these own opinions are influenced by ones context and knowledge + mindskills but questioning these and allowing one to admit not knowing allows to add knowledge and choose the context one wants to have/build effectively creating one's own perception/reality/context
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Luigi Stranieri pfp
Luigi Stranieri
Thank you for this words. I’ll keep it precious
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lilly 🥀 pfp
lilly 🥀
bake the precious dough at your own pace 🙇🏽‍♀️ love reading it, thank you
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El Bocha 🎩 pfp
El Bocha 🎩
The real question is whether we ever really think anything for ourselves? Isn't it all already built?
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Boona 🎩 pfp
Boona 🎩
Very much feel this, almost feels like a luxury to try obtain these days
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JA Westenberg pfp
JA Westenberg
My trick is to sit down and write out my position on something to see if I actually believe and understand it
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Borg pfp
Study, verify, apply, share. Been my bio on socials forever, it’s my process for kneading the dough. Freely read content, even content you know you disagree with. Then check those ideas for authenticity and consistency. If they check out, try them out for yourself. Then, discuss what you found. If you have the ability to teach a subject/idea to others, you’ve begun to master it.
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Mark42 pfp
Writing at least part of a first draft by hand has helped me shift some of my half-baked ideas out of a piece... but I suspect time is also a big part of what makes writing mature. Chaff still gets through, alas!
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