Naomi  pfp



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Naomi  pfp
I am in this picture.
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Naomi  pfp
Me when going on a long train ride: I'll totally do some work. Also me: Who am I kidding. Proceeds to stare out of the window for hours.
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Naomi  pfp
It's me again, now in my French philosopher phase reading obscure stuff. (I mean booktok would never recommend this) Here an excerpt from Sartres "Existentialism is a humanism" with a timeless lesson about freedom.
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Naomi  pfp
Nothing like being miserable by the sea.
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Naomi  pfp
For those who feel individual morality is declining, here's a study to suggest otherwise. That's something.
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Naomi  pfp
Since people in Berlin are Club Mate Addicts, this was an intersting watch. Didn't know it was hackers who brought it to broader fame.
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Naomi  pfp
The lore of this concert is, written for Nikolai Rubinstein, he initially rejected it for being written badly. So insulted,Tchaikovsky gave it to another pianist to premiere and well... now it's a classic often performed.
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Naomi  pfp
Went back to the museum to find the painting in question. 🫡 Now all I need is a postcard of the whole painting.
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Naomi  pfp
Spotted early depiction of NFT trading. Detail from the Adam Willaerts painting "Dutch Ships off a Rocky Coast" from 1620.
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Naomi  pfp
Back to classical guitar. Written by Lauro and dedicated to Segovia, a beautiful little piece.
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Naomi  pfp
A spectre is haunting the purple app. I feel many mistake a left political leaning = wanting a nanny state. I don't think that is the case and I'd love to see some more nuanced discussions around it. Personally, I probably fall more to the left, but I certainly don't dismiss the necessity of freedom of the individual and markets as mechanisms to govern certain outcomes.
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Naomi  pfp
This tbh. You'd be surprised how it can contribute to your own experience of life. For me it's trying to get kids to enjoy reading, and experiencing libraries as a fun place to be. In the hope they'll grow up to be more open, empathic, and able to find nuance. Feels esp meaningful in a place where increasingly right-wing parties are dominating the conversation, and as usual, threaten cuts to public infra.
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Naomi  pfp
Gm VIPs. Currently reading Filterworld by Kyle Chayka. If you too wonder why all those coffee shops look the same no matter which part of the world you go to and culture has less depth, this is for you.
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Naomi  pfp
"You cannot create the surreal without a deep understanding of the real. Only then can you create a convincing fantasy world." A thing the guide on the Avantgarde Archive Tour said and I think about it a lot. For any creative, this is great advice.
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Naomi  pfp
Sorry @chicago but I do love cello. 🙈😂 This is a beautiful collection of slower pieces. Can recommend them all.
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Naomi  pfp
Went for a guided tour of the Archvie of Avantgardes. Found out that the surrealist artists sent each other postcards of their artworks - the way to exchange art before instagram.
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Naomi  pfp
Enjoying coffee at home today.
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Naomi  pfp
Hear me out... Long tables at all the crypto dinners.
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Naomi  pfp
Instead of relaxing, i learned about Technofeudalism this weekend (way to ruin my own mood). Still, Yanis is a fascinating thinker, and beyond just giving a name to the "it's not real capitalism we have atm" he also makes some great points about how being left is actually about empowering and freedom.
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Naomi  pfp
GM Start the week right with a beautiful painting and a focus challenge. It's a great reminder that often, there's more to be discovered in a painting than is visible at first glance.
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