Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
People for whom this quote strongly resonates: What are some specific things in your life (or our lives) that are a good fit for the metaphor of being prison walls?
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Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
Doesn’t resonate too much, but: passports and visas, drug prescriptions, rental leases I’m mostly a conformist. I just try to avoid getting arrested and sent to prisons where that becomes a problem. Eg: being financially precarious enough you’re forced to get a regular job is a kind of “going to prison”
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
central banking, legal tender laws, government-granted monopolies
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
Lately been applying the ideas of language & literacy, or lack of them, as prison walls. e.g. "Since I don't speak english and older, I just have to be an Uber driver" (this is translated from spanish & paraphrased a bit). I'd venture to say families can be prison walls to some. Hopefully this fits.
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gmoney pfp
i love the @vitalik.eth on farcaster arc
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Sophia pfp
the constant pursuit to acquire capital
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🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛇ pfp
🗿 ᛒᛡᚤᛇ
web2 surveillance capitalist platforms, see related:
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⚪️ cooper 🎩 ↑ pfp
⚪️ cooper 🎩 ↑
Man, big resonance. I would say conforming to a stereotypical office job or societal pressure to work for a co. you do not align with for $. I had the pleasure of meetng Tim Ferris some 10+ years ago. Helped me make the conscious choice to start my life as a bicycle courier, outdoors. free. liberation from those walls.
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wake 🎩 pfp
wake 🎩
✨l a n g u a g e✨ is my prison and my escape
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Brad Barrish pfp
Brad Barrish
Financial maximization. The belief that we have to help others build things, many of which are to our own detriment, in order to be "successful". Productivity.
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Aaron Ferguson 🎩🏰📚🔵 pfp
Aaron Ferguson 🎩🏰📚🔵
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Angelika Kollin 🎩🍖💎 pfp
Angelika Kollin 🎩🍖💎
Unexamined beliefs are the worst prison walls.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
If you take the Buddhist lens: any desire, habit, belief, or self-identity not knowingly opted into.
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Dave Pazdan pfp
Dave Pazdan
I like this, but I think it isn't always a prison; more often, you can exit without tearing down walls. However, few opt for the door for fear of what they'll find on the other side.
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thehilker 🎩↑🥱  pfp
thehilker 🎩↑🥱
Big "tracks" like career paths, going to college, work/life dynamics, etc. that tend to encourage security and reduce optionality.
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Timi pfp
Passports & visas are a huge one. It’s such a horrible feeling (that the west takes for granted), not being able to go anywhere I want, despite having the money to.
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McBain  pfp
Loneliness It’s as simple as inviting people to do things with you. Especially your neighbors.
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wartime art hoe pfp
wartime art hoe
deeply embedded patriarchal structures esp. when it comes to women in tech and VC
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Prosocialise Foundation 🎩 pfp
Prosocialise Foundation 🎩
Because we force each other to earn a living, we are competing against everyone else for the land, the resources, the clients, the job etc. We are all in a death match against EVERYONE else, quite literally. This means we cannot take our foot off the breaks of compassion, generosity and collaboration. https://youtu.b
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grin↑ pfp
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