Sina Habibian pfp

Sina Habibian


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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
This is a one of those non-fungible roles that only exist at a particular company at a particular moment in time. It's an opportunity to shape the design patterns that will likely define the next era of the web.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
Thinking through next steps from here. Doge had the bobsled team, Higher sponsors the first mission to Mars?
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
I love this quote by Newton. It hits something of the sense of wonder/play one can have in their relationship with reality.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
Here is my conversation with Martin Köppelmann, cofounder of Gnosis. I have a lot of respect for Martin as someone who has consistently pushed the frontier forward. Here we talk about using a safe as one's primary bank account + AI agents as onchain actors.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
This hoodie has so much swag. I don't know if it's the bright blue aesthetic, the way Jesse rocks it, or how epic this moment in time is going to be in retrospect. Probably all three.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
Woah I received ~$10 referral fee from someone else subscribing through this link, straight into my wallet. Crypto composability ftw.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
I just minted Terminally Onchain on Thanks @linda for the rec.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
Here is my conversation with @v - we talk about all things Farcaster and also Varun's personal philosophy for building new things.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
Here is my conversation with @v. We talk about the Farcaster protocol, sufficient decentralization, learnings from Coinbase, and more. Hope you enjoy!:
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
I've been thinking about the first topic here -- AIs as players in micro prediction markets. Scott Alexander wrote about this recently also:
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
Hello world! Setting this up as a home for Into the Bytecode, and as a scratchpad for thinking about the future together.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
Here is my conversation with Rebecca Rettig (chief legal officer at Polygon) and Michael Mosier (partner at Arktouros and Ex Ante) We talk about the current regulatory regime, and how it might evolve to view protocols as internet infrastructure vs as financial intermediaries.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
The FC active badge might be one of those seemingly small product decisions that has deeper ramifications. I wonder if it shifts the traditional 90/9/1 breakdown between creators/curators/consumers. It's at least training me out of being a lurker..
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
Here is my conversation with @vitalik.eth We talk about micro prediction markets, social networks, the world as a dense jungle, brain computer interfaces, and more. Hope you enjoy!:
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
@dwr.eth wen next Farcaster AMA? I have a product question for you.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
Thinking back to how dwr called his shot: Be the best network for crypto people - both as a product (frames, nfts) and as a community (all the best people are here) And then grow with them to include more of the world It's like early Facebook with colleges, but this time it's .eth instead of .edu
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
fun project: look at historical ETHGlobal events and the talks at each of them, and use that to map crypto's tech tree as it develops over time.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
Here is my conversation with Hart Lambur. We talk about Hart's building in UMA (optimistic oracle) and Across (intent-based bridging protocol), and then we dive into Oval and how it re-architects the MEV supply chain to redirect value back towards protocols that create it.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
I read Understand by Ted Chiang this morning. It's a short story about a comatose patient who gets a new experimental neurogenerative drug, that not only heals him but gives him super human intellect.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
@bountybot I'd love help with making a cool podcast/Youtube cover for Into the Bytecode. Bounty: 80 USDC
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