sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp



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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
One of the "ending" style branches of DYWTFS is an exercise in aesthetics. What I mean by that is the philosophical concept that beauty is what helps us transcend ourselves, helps us escape from our solipsistic anxiety loops and find meaning. Iris Murdoch is a good read on that. I liked the irony of icons for that.
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
Some new overtly spiritual art for 300 $DEGEN - Do check out @pfeffunit 's NFT market that is really straightforward. No bonding curves, no gimmicks.
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
Rare overtly spiritual material for $degen. Virtue is the Work
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
Sometimes when I'm trying to make something cool I run assets by the "hell yea" test. If seeing it doesn't immediately make you "hell yea" it's not sick enough yet. Ensicken.
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
A collage series comprised of vignettes and references - drawn from retro Macintosh games, UI, and a few elements made to look era-authentic. It's amazing how much story you can imply with just a few sentences.
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
I'm not hungry then, but if I ignore it the coffee has no barrier.
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
The only part of Warpcast presently exhausting: everyone trying to come up with some new tiny micro-game for either tokens or algorithm triggering. Jesus. Just post about what you're interested in or good at in those channels and that's ... that's like what we're meant to be here for, right?
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
How long have you felt this way? Part 2 of this mini-series.
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
@sgt-sl8termelon Part 2 of this mini-series related to another retro mac thing. "I Have So Much Contempt For You" - try not to feel what this one feels if you read it.
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
I’m gonna level with you for a second here, chief - videos of people dancing with music dubbed in like it’s playing is sometimes all that keeps me goin.
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
Some new retro collage art for degen chain market:
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
Check this OUT - @pfeffunit built a simple nft market on degenchain that only takes 2% of sales for the platform instead of 98% - Here’s my mini-series first piece for it:
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
Sometimes I care what it is exactly I'm doing in the place it's being done (what chain, market, smartcontract etc) - other times I just make the art I want to make in whatever context is available for the moment. They're both legitimate ways of being an artist, I hope.
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
A few smug people were like "ho ho tokens down buddy - bet you're about done with Farcaster now!" - - but like, I joined this thing when twitter was kinda being shit just to hang out and see how this more crypto-native thing with nice content channels worked. The scene-coin meta is nice but I like it here.
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
POV: You will not be going to FarCon.
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
Upcoming release with @luka and @partydao that was very technically sophisticated. I'm looking forward to showing you the actual art, but this is just kind of an internal graphic we used to self-hype.
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
Here’s an interesting conundrum: I disagree with lots of people who I think are smarter than me. What does it mean to think I’m still right and it’s not because I’m smarter? 🤔🫠
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
People may or may not have noticed this - but "change" is a running theme in Workstation95 and DYWTFS. Your setup or your computer BIOS settings as analogy for changing your life or the way you feel or react to things. Those passages in W95 and DYWTFS are meant to invoke a sense of dread and responsibility.
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sgt_slaughtermelon🎩 pfp
Frame by @tom-major Gandalf “I have no memory of this place” .jpg
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