Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
The Ledger feature is good, actually?
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Anders pfp
Why do you think is good? just the existence of seed phrase sharing functionality, even if encrypted, significantly expands the potential of a hack
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Daniel Fernandes pfp
Daniel Fernandes
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sean pfp
is the debate about the destination they arrived at or the route they took?
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Chu Ka-Cheong pfp
Chu Ka-Cheong
I think a bigger problem is Ledger’s lack of communication. There is no technical documents nor detailed recovery procedures for public review. And I don’t understand why they choose real ID-based over social recovery. But I think improving recovery process is a welcomed feature if you want crypto to be mainstream.
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scottrepreneur pfp
You dropped this 🌶️
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Chu Ka-Cheong pfp
Chu Ka-Cheong
I have some second thoughts on the issue. It may be more problematic than I initially thought https://paragraph.xyz/@kc/on-ledger-recover
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{ Lawson.fm } ⭕️ pfp
{ Lawson.fm } ⭕️
It’s not a secure enclave if keys can be exported to another device.
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Aaron Ho 🎩 φ pfp
Aaron Ho 🎩 φ
They should launch a different product with that feature instead, have it isolated so if it becomes an attack vector it's only on those new "social" devices.
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markus - ethOS - e/acc-d pfp
markus - ethOS - e/acc-d
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ken pfp
Depends on your perspective? If the point of buying the device was to store the keys and never allow them off of the device by any sort of 3rd party, it's not good to learn at all there is firmware that allows the keys to be read off of the device.
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Katherine pfp
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Jon "JonnyRingo" Williams⚰️ pfp
Jon "JonnyRingo" Williams⚰️
I think offering a third-party custody service was just a bit off-key for them is the issue. Good feature, bad execution.
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Timi pfp
Yes. But I don’t want it. I don’t want it to even be *possible* on my hardware wallets. And I can’t imagine most people like me not deciding to just use another wallet that doesn’t have such a problem.
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Fran pfp
Is this feature necesary on a hardware wallet? If your gunna send fragments of your wallet around to different companies, why spend money on hardware, just make a software wallet with this feature.
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Afi pfp
What's the ledger feature?
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ brewing pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ brewing
Recovery mechanisms are a must in order for more people to adopt crypto and hardware wallets. Ledger wants to scale to bring HW to more people and this is part of it. If enough customers aren't happy, this is an opportunity for an alternative HW maker to step in knowing that their market will remain small.
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Ryan Anderson pfp
Ryan Anderson
Lotta NIMBYs on crypto twitter today.
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Karthik Senthil pfp
Karthik Senthil
I think so, just poorly communicated. Maxis and maxis for a reason, so its a bit of fake outrage.
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thebestwallet pfp
not really. while this is better than paper is has many issues 1. kyc gating (easy to game) 2. privacy killer (kyc) 3. possible risk of 2 party coercion 4. paid scheme that kills access of 7 days overdraft 5. apparently possible to recover the seed from any device as long as KYC is passed. no additional sec.
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