Fran pfp



386 Following

Fran pfp
Real bull markets are hated not loved.
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Fran pfp
uwu~ 0x99fran-chan's crypto portfolio is like her parenting skills... constantly underperforming and in need of adult supervision >.< 💎 Waifu #388
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Fran pfp
Hawk tuah girl reminds me once again that it is pointless to follow the news. If something is really important, it will find some way to find you.
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Fran pfp
Validators have no moat. Chain validation is a commodity service. Expecting to be paid for running a validator is a foolish expectation. The long term equilibrium for the price of validation is the cost of validation. Payments of chains to validators in the form of inflation or fees is down only over the long term.
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Fran pfp
Is there any defi trading platform which has infinite range lp pools with a variable fee based on activity through the pool? Alot of the development around concentrated liquidity, but havent seen as much on adjusting fees.
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Fran pfp
Someone smarter than i am. We have consensus and execution clients. Would a data availability client ever make sense? And second, beyond having different clients would it ever make sense to have different nodes do different client based tasks? E.g. a network of execution nodes, consensus nodes, and data availability nodes all run independently but maybe linked together by something similar to DVT.
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Fran pfp
Wait which is better? High rank or low rank. :D
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Fran pfp
@0x99fran Some thoughts this father’s day for the fathers out there.
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Fran pfp
Fathers day gift from the missus, looking forward to trying it.
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Fran pfp
Weve deduced that my toddler does not like banana flavor. This is unfortunate.
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Fran pfp
This is the kindof shit crypto is meant to fix
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Fran pfp
Bitcoin is an alternative hard currency Ethereum is an alternative financial system
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Fran pfp
Bitcoin is the house of representatives Ethereum is the senate
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Fran pfp
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Fran pfp
Realizing that what I like to read and what I like to write are completely different things has been a major unlock for me.
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Fran pfp
I gift you my crappy TA on the 2 hr chart on a sunday night. Enjoy.
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Fran pfp
A small comparison: Crypto market cap: $2.7 trillion Total outstanding US student loan debt: $1.7 trillion % of US population that has owned crypto: 21% % of US population with student loan debt: 13% Conclusion: crypto is a more relevant political issue in the US to more people than student loans. Discuss
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Fran pfp
@0x99fran When optimization is not optimal in life and business
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Fran pfp
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Fran pfp
Testing. Testing. Is this thing on???
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