Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Stuff I've changed my opinion on recently: - Zeihan ⬇️ - Bay Area ⬆️ - AI as growth stage startup opportunity ⬆️ - AI as startup opportunity ⬇️ - Threads ⬆️
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douglass pfp
Moving to Pac Heights?!?!
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Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
I think you can argue growth-stage startups (eg enterprise software) have rare combination of ability + willingness to aggressively use AI
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mk pfp
Threads?! Just one idea: use of the thread emoji bans the user for life.
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Chaotic Neutral pfp
Chaotic Neutral
The Bay, LA and NY are like guns: Neutral but useful tools that can be harmful to ourselves and those around us in the hands of the careless or uninitiated.
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indreams pfp
Why Zeihan ⬇️?
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q/dau wartime art hoe pfp
q/dau wartime art hoe
noooooo how did the threadoooors get to you
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{ Lawson.fm } ⭕️ pfp
{ Lawson.fm } ⭕️
We love the threads.
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Brian Kim pfp
Brian Kim
esp. agree on 3 and 4
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Linda Xie pfp
Linda Xie
Interesting on Zeihan! I loved Disunited Nations but haven’t read anything of his past that
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Jeff Feiwell pfp
Jeff Feiwell
Yes. farcaster://casts/0x326d8d06857fbc9734c573f3be97c110e990fa7745fda67944d2bdaeb34f9b69/0x326d8d06857fbc9734c573f3be97c110e990fa7745fda67944d2bdaeb34f9b69
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Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
Haven’t seen a good screenshot essay in weeks
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Sterling pfp
Agree on threads. The ability to work in mixed media makes a huge difference. The wall of text for a screenshot essay is a tough read
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Adam Miller 🎩 pfp
Adam Miller 🎩
Stuff I've changed my opinion on in the last few minutes signing up for Farcaster: - Near term prospects for web3 social networking ⬆️
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drew fagin 🌊 pfp
drew fagin 🌊
Zeihan thumbnails ⬆️, he’s basically MrBeast now
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Yash Karthik pfp
Yash Karthik
can you explain 4?
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Matthew pfp
wait why bay area lol
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Shabbir 🎩 pfp
Shabbir 🎩
You forgot ‘rollups’
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Sriram Krishnan pfp
Sriram Krishnan
I like this format. or rather: this format ⬆️
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Maybe Im Wasabi〽️ pfp
Maybe Im Wasabi〽️
Can you elaborate on AI as growth startup op vs startup? Curious to understand your thinking
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