Sterling pfp



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Sterling pfp
Day 1 at Circle slinging USDC the world over! 💵🛜🌎 You don’t quite get the same jitters for a fully remote company on your first day, but it beats the hell out of a commute. So excited to be on this journey
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Sterling pfp
Man hard to argue that social media / being connected all the time isn’t harmful to kids We all knew that but the data is jarring
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Sterling pfp
It simply blows my mind how popular Dog Ppl is in West LA. $120 / month for a private dog park - excluding!! food and beverage American consumerism is undefeated
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Sterling pfp
Books that travel to TV is such good signal for what books to read
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Sterling pfp
Just finished my 6mo long job hunt post shutting down my startup One of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life The unemployment rate might be low, but the job market for lvl7 - lvl9 roles at large tech companies is out of control difficult Will do a long post on what I learned SOON™️
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Sterling pfp
Wow @dwr.eth and @v have been building since I took a break. Love Channels - solves the problem on Twitter of folks being multifaceted and wanting to talk about different topics but feeling silo’d into their domain
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Sterling pfp
gm Its good to be back here. Had to take a mental break from crypto social as we shut down Stickies (my social web3 startup). But now I’m back. And I never sold a coin. What’d I miss? 🤪🤣
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Sterling pfp
what are people's favorite twitter spaces? Looking to make a list and will share when I'm done ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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Sterling pfp
New squiggle who dis
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Sterling pfp
Pollcaster- need y'alls help!! 🗳️ 🙏 NFT Grails Security: 1️⃣ My grails are in a hot wallet 2️⃣ I use 3️⃣ I use 4️⃣ None of the above; they are in an untouched wallet Separate question on Discord: 👍 I'm in the mbmrs-only Discords for my grails 👎 I'm not in them
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Sterling pfp
Amazing meeting @phil and @df in person tonight 🥳 And I minted this gorgeous Intricada by Camille Roux at Bright Moments FC fam is best fam
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Sterling pfp
We excited about tonight’s meeting at Bright Moments with @phil and @dawufi ? I am!
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Sterling pfp
likely a dumb ?? but.... is there a way to short Binance (BNB) as a U.S. citizen
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Sterling pfp
how is BNB still a $49B shitcoin after the CFTC case?
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Sterling pfp
Has anybody seen the ability to connect a hardware wallet via mobile? any product, anywhere... @mikedemarais.eth - any thoughts?
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Sterling pfp
I don’t get wifi networks in cars - like why would anybody care Isn’t it the same thing as each passenger’s cell service ???
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Sterling pfp
Guys I do work for one day and this place turns into a giant inside joke about fruit and veggies WTF
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Sterling pfp
The idea of an alt burner account blows my mind. Who has the time?
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Sterling pfp
I would pay $20/mo, maybe more, if somebody built event management on top of my wallet Official (as in owners of project register, no scams) Virtual events IRL events (with opt in by geo) Pre-mints Etc Can’t keep up with discord, Twitter, group chats etc
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Sterling pfp
Neuehouse Venice beach is such a vibe In case anybody is looking for a coworking space in WLA
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