Avi đź’™ pfp

Avi đź’™


166 Following

Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
Is it me or is Claude’s dark mode just Fugly?
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
A clever prompting hack for AI images, courtesy of Nick St. Pierre on Twitter…
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
In order to combat declining birth rates, Japan’s local governments are offering AI matchmaking services for $100. https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20240226/p2g/00m/0na/026000c?utm_source=www.theneurondaily.com&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=ai-taking-big-tech-jobs
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
This is a great piece about Sora and the future of filmmaking https://every.to/chain-of-thought/sora-and-the-future-of-filmmaking
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
Google’s Gemini Ultra is here…. https://blog.google/products/gemini/bard-gemini-advanced-app/
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
This one is long but - but insightful, entertaining and downright delicious. Definitely worth the read. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/02/05/inside-the-music-industrys-high-stakes-ai-experiments?utm_source=www.theneurondaily.com&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=bard-vs-chatgpt-new
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
An interesting piece mostly because it makes a case doe how AI can help to revolutionize pricing on a whole new scale https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/pentagon-plans-ai-based-program-estimate-prices-critical-minerals-2024-01-29/
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
#Truth but also lmao https://x.com/yampeleg/status/1748416114374177011?s=46&t=8X0Da6I04SQgnHVMCjSTEQ
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
🛑 Attention ChatGPT Users: You don’t need a paid account to protect your data privacy and stop ChatGPT from training on your data. And you can keep your entire conversation history. You just need to submit a privacy request. Check out my post ⬇️ with the step-by-step instructions.
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
I’m not sure why this wasn’t reported more broadly when it sets a precedent, so I wrote about it: China rules that AI generated images can be copyrighted. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/avi-hakhamanesh_ai-artificialintelligence-ainews-activity-7137866971055882241-G9qA?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
Prompting techniques from LLMs (especially assigning roles in particular) seem to expand to GPT-4 vision. This Microsoft study is full of interesting use cases…. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/avi-hakhamanesh_chatgpt-gpt4-chatgptprompts-activity-7130603434537357314-mwl2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
Happy Saturday
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
Here’s an overview of the paper from last week on using emotional cues within prompts for LLMs. It’s fascinating. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/avi-hakhamanesh_ai-artificialintelligence-airesearch-activity-7128064423746797568-neR9?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
On AI’s 🔥hotness bias. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/avi-hakhamanesh_ai-artificialintelligence-bias-activity-7125170831801909248-RQ9_?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
AI-powered virtual hosts are the rising stars of China’s live-streaming e-commerce market. But they’re also disrupting it. Link to my post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/avi-hakhamanesh_ai-technology-artificialintelligence-activity-7122994773707128832-ag2n?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
AI has a trust problem. Recent Pew research underscores a stark mistrust among consumers towards brands harnessing AI, revealing that most Americans have little trust in companies to use AI responsibly. I wrote a post on how brands can navigate 👇🏼
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
I asked DALL-E 3 to create a series of images representing the essence of American culture The most impressive part was its reasoning capabilities… https://www.linkedin.com/posts/avi-hakhamanesh_how-does-an-ai-interpret-the-essence-of-american-activity-7120454306721406976-il7w?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
AI has already created as many images as photographers have taken in 150 years… Source: https://journal.everypixel.com/ai-image-statistics?utm_source=www.theaivalley.com&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=10-most-underrated-ai-tools
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
Inside the Erewhon dynasty… This one is for you @dwr.eth https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lifestyle/lifestyle-news/erewhon-dynasty-antoci-family-interview-1235613048/
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Avi đź’™ pfp
Avi đź’™
Interesting… https://decrypt.co/201025/despite-pushback-moma-acquires-unsupervised-generative-ai-artwork
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