Amit Mukherjee pfp
Amit Mukherjee
I've been having a lot of knee pain from the intense squatting these past few months. My sister is a doctor and described it as "tendinopathy". Just did a 20 minute mobility session and seeing PT on Thursday. Sometimes I feel like an old car the way different body parts break down.
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anisha.eth pfp
walk on the treadmill backwards for even 5-10min every time you warm up, supposed to help a ton with knee stuff
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Nicole pfp
gm kneecaster shill me your best strengthening tips
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Mac Budkowski šŸ„ pfp
Mac Budkowski šŸ„
Have you been taking MSM? Helped me a lot to reduce gym microinjuries
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Justin Hunter pfp
Justin Hunter
I had bicep tendinopathy last spring. Took me all summer into the fall to be able to do any upper body work (or throw a baseball to my son). Soft tissue injuries mess you up.
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JB Rubinovitz āŒā—Ø-ā—Ø pfp
JB Rubinovitz āŒā—Ø-ā—Ø
I was able to get back to 100% from my knee pain using PT. Sending good vibes!
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Jon šŸŽ©šŸ«‚ pfp
Jon šŸŽ©šŸ«‚
I hear that. I just restarted squatting and deadlifting after ten years. Did maybe 6 months of air squats to build strength, then holding dumbbells. Now Iā€™m on the rack and just doing 80lbs. One day at a time But better to be a 20 year old civic then a lambo in the landfill
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Tayyab - d/acc pfp
Tayyab - d/acc
Seems likely. We over work our tendons. And flexibility is a key component of this. Make sure you are stretching regularly.
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