polynya pfp
I find books like Read Write Own actively dangerous in overhyping usecases where public blockchains are significantly more centralized, unfair, and inefficient than alternatives This is why I think it's important to write about strict global consensus- this is the one actually unique & useful property we must focus on
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Jason Chaskin pfp
Jason Chaskin
Idk if I agree with you on this. At least from the chapters, it seems like it explains how we went from an open internet to living on 5 companies servers, explains what a blockchain and tokens are, and then lists some apps
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miguelito  pfp
Would love to read a post on this, particularly which alternatives allow global access to shared state and greater equity/fairness If you've already done so, I apologize
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links pfp
wen your book? You write (well) enough to produce one and sound like you have something valuable you want to say.
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Erik Torenberg pfp
Erik Torenberg
Can you be more specific
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