polynya pfp



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polynya pfp
Plutocracies are not "decentralization" Scamming is not "freedom" The 1% shilling their degen bags and extracting wealth from 99% is not "meritocracy" No more excuses for rampant negative outcomes in crypto, there must be positive action to design better systems and instill more optimistic social & cultural values
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polynya pfp
P2P + ZK - blockchain offers significantly superior decentralization, efficiency, privacy, verifiability, censorship-resistance and permanence The *only* thing blockchains are good for is strict global consensus Alas, many apps are being compromised into blockchains because of financial incentives over rational ones
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polynya pfp
Re: blob utilization: - Saturation is taking longer than I expected - Execution is the very harsh bottleneck as expected - Original 4844 spec, 1 MB, or 3x current, is ample for valuable txs for years to come. "4844 and Done" is real - L1 PeerDAS & EigenDA are cool; but execution, novel apps, user acq. must be priority
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polynya pfp
~5% of the world's population that have an outsized presence on Farcaster seem to find these to be hot takes But these have always been true for most of Asia, and also largely true of Europe and Africa Lots of other not-very-civilized things in Asia though, IMO as an Asian https://warpcast.com/vitalik.eth/0xc6c8afaf
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polynya pfp
Blockchains are just another centralizing tool, with the default outcome significantly worse than traditional incumbents - removing all the democratic checks and balances, replacing them with grotesque plutocratic control It takes significant will and effort for a blockchain to realise its decentralizing potential
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polynya pfp
Farcaster got the tech right, but the Farcaster community is making very similar mistakes to Steem All I'll say is: Definancialize
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polynya pfp
Top 3 unsolved problems and under-researched areas in infra, IMHO: 1) Transaction quality trilemma ... 2) Single-thread bottleneck (parallelize transactions on the same smart contract across multiple threads & machines/seqnrs) 3) State hibernation (long-term sustainability) https://warpcast.com/polynya/0xcb430c27
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polynya pfp
Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore Riding through the land Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore Without a merry band He steals from the poor And gives to the rich Stupid bitch
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polynya pfp
A virtuous & positively reinforcing culture ("social layer") is ever more critical for communities without checks and balances like crypto It's the only recourse to crypto's default state of "will be evil because no one gives a fuck" (Relying on extra-crypto mechanisms as with SBF should not be an excuse)
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polynya pfp
A key motivation for investigating & writing about blockchain games was as a potential avenue to channel degeneracy in a less harmful Alas, obviously, it's not about fun or accomplishment - it's pure greed, and greed will follow the most degenerate and predatory path https://warpcast.com/vitalik.eth/0x12be33f8
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polynya pfp
I deserve all the criticism and hate for my last blog post, but I just want to be clear: I've never been more optimistic about the good side of crypto, and I have the utmost respect for those building useful, sustainable products in an avalanche of noise. I'll be around, and my DMs will be open.
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polynya pfp
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polynya pfp
There are only 3 things I hate in the world - bigotry, financial degeneracy and doomerism Somehow, they have managed to combine all three At this point, it's clear there's never going to be any cultural shift - no one cares, crypto will forever remain the cesspit of humanity Respect to those building useful stuff
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polynya pfp
Anyone who uses the "study this, lesson that" meme is probably a degen ape who gets bored after reading the first 3 sentences of a whitepaper and just apes in
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polynya pfp
Storage actively hinders blockchain's 1 actual unique feature - strict global consensus Once real-time strict global consensus is achieved, data should be yeeted off the chain ASAP (varies) Non-consensus P2P networks far better at decentralized file storage than blockchain https://warpcast.com/vitalik.eth/0x5d931673
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polynya pfp
You know what's worse than memecoins? Ponzis no different from memecoins that hide behind the facade of "game changing" "new paradigm" narratives Basically >99% of crypto assets At least memecoins are honest - everyone knows it's just unbridled gambling and 99% will lose a lot of money to enrich the 1%
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polynya pfp
Yeah, no, nothing has changed Memecoins are not "fun" or "community building" - they are merely a tool to transfer wealth from the many to the few, and no one wants to call them out (understandably) for the fear of being mocked as "mid" or "boomer" https://twitter.com/apolynya/status/1598124343636422658
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polynya pfp
We may have crossed a threshold of noise for me personally. I just go by the vibes, and I haven't felt like writing anything for a couple of weeks now. Many thanks to everyone who read some of the 100+ blog posts I wrote through the quiet times, mid 2022-early 2024 https://warpcast.com/polynya/0x587909ea
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polynya pfp
In the early-to-mid 2000s, I participated in a community of internet micronations, basically pretend nations on bulletin boards, with pretend economies and wars, but mostly just fun banter. It occurs to me this idea can work much better on Farcaster. (PS: It's not "network states" - this is fun and social)
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polynya pfp
A theoretical key appeal of being anon is only the ideas matter, not who writes them Realistically, the pseudonym does get attached to the ideas, but I think the pseudonym is relatively easier forgotten, and the ideas linger on attributed to many other people influenced by the anon - so does achieve the goal long term
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