osama pfp



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osama pfp
I have come to the conclusion that perks and worrying about designing them is a waste of time before pmf-v1.0 ... attracts wrong kind of people. makes you feel like a successful founder? you/employees are either in for the mission or not. the only perk that matters is ultra-premium insurance for employee+dependants esp in US. I am liking what I saw w/ truemed by @gazzini here. sure basic gym with racks is fine (fuck equinox $$$). rest .. you are wasting time playing dollhouse tea time feeling special in your bubble sorry for being direct
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osama pfp
i guess it was assumed you will need to draft research papers in STEM? i gave the ielts/toefl 4x in life. ama
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osama pfp
accounts b/c of which i’m a dau: 1. @july 2. @anurajenp 3. @gm8xx8 thankfully none are crypto circle jerk. i’d go follow them anywhere they’d post
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osama pfp
if only life were so simple and a Kennedy would put their entire wealth into a single asset 🤣
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osama pfp
didn't "write" the automation but this is a game changer https://www.litter-robot.com/
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osama pfp
blue chat bubble is tribal. no one cares for sync b/c not all iphone owners are on a mac, we forget in our tiny little bubble
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osama pfp
no access yet but a little bird tells me it’s being integrated into zed.dev
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osama pfp
love it! at this point bay area is a consensus place. every startup copying other, everyone talking about the same old ideas they’ve heard about in another convo. few original thinkers. herd behaviour prime. too much/early sama worshipping, too many internal/political games. i call it the silicon valley maxima. very far from true global maxima ala Zuck, Bezos, Gates, Disney, (maybe) Musk
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osama pfp
few know that apple airtags work on a mesh n/w in a decentralized manner w/ e2e privacy
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osama pfp
@jkl has some streaming infra gods on his team
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osama pfp
yes china but also you can 3d print drones pretty easily. afaik it’s these locally manufactured ones being used across wars and no chinese aka dji… so no sanctions/cargo monitoring/supply chain controls work. its not just in the air, the ukrainian submersibles which hit ruski vessels were built from jetskis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlBkeJ75j_s
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osama pfp
niche sport tweet but Canada is in the world junior squash semis after 37 years thanks to the Ma twins! https://www.worldsquash.org/records-tumble-on-thrilling-quarter-finals-day-at-2024-wsf-world-junior-team-championship/
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osama pfp
seeing more people in figs around me, they’ve created a brand out of a staple /product … worth studying imo: https://www.wearfigs.com/
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osama pfp
the internet is an amazing places. niche website I discovered today https://www.makerstations.io/
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Anuraj R pfp
Anuraj R
a moment of silence for people who think some program is safe because it is written in rust https://developers.slashdot.org/story/24/05/25/2250236/rust-foundation-reports-20-of-rust-crates-use-unsafe-keyword
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osama pfp
riverside.fm -- great product. amazing how they took the core concept from loom and adopted for a different audience
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osama pfp
back to my bunker to figure sweet `CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_PERFORMANCE`
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osama pfp
fwiw, I am not shitting on them but all attempts to talk at a technical level go unanswered. all these guys feel like what skrelli exposed with io... fwiw many quote https://vast.ai/.. it is a distributed not decentralized system. also they/vast don't claim to build a cluster on geographically spread compute as a single cluster to train/fine-tune large (or any!) models
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osama pfp
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osama pfp
tell me you have never done gpgpu prog, distributed training or anything w/ infiniband without telling me you haven't .. what are these people talking about? what is this black magic that defy's physics? I wanna seeee ... halp https://x.com/_jamico/status/1811092929420873798
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