Omar pfp



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Omar pfp
One of my favorite hotels to visit: The Okura. Embodies the elegance of Japanese aesthetic in a way no other hotel (not even the Aman Tokyo) does. Photo taken from the Toranomon Hills towers
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Omar pfp
Theo Roosevelt’s father, Theo Sr or Thee, would be a fun guy to have coffee with
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Omar pfp
Can’t echo this strongly enough. Been the highlight of the year discovering this platform. Great people and conversations here. Come for the incentives, stay for the the community.
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Omar pfp
Prince William and Princess Kate splitting duties today in tennis and football. Both meeting winning Spanish players.
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Omar pfp
Halfway through and can’t but reflect on how much this country has been saved by great leaders. Sad to see that seems to be no longer the case
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Omar pfp
This depth of Italian tennis is reminiscent of the Spanish golden days when they dominated clay in the 2010s. Such cool personalities too, great for tennis
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Omar pfp
Medicine today: 'Which specialist should I refer to?' Medicine tomorrow: 'Which technology best treats this disease?' The evolution of healthcare is shifting from expert networking to a physician understanding the proper tech-driven solutions. Practicing as a generalist will be powerful.
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Omar pfp
The best part about being a physician remains the human connection. Get to meet and learn about 20+ new people and their life stories daily.
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Omar pfp
How is MetLife going to be the spot for the World Cup finals? The pitch tonight is atrocious with sand flying everywhere, on top of that its so muggy and hot.
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Omar pfp
Not sure why Cremaschi wasn't selected for USMNT. He would compliment Pulisic well with his style. And he has that South American grind in him being Argentine.
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Omar pfp
As insurance covers less and less of new generation medications (GLP-1s, PCSK-9 inh, mRNA based therapies, personalized antibody treatments etc) the divide in health classes will diverge significantly. Already evident in older Medicare populations, but this will extend to younger commercial insurance soon
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Omar pfp
Kane! Finally my man
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Omar pfp
If anyone has been to Panama, you know when you talk to the locals, everytime they play the US it’s personal. Almost warlike in how they treat this game.
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Omar pfp
Find myself reading more novels/fiction, especially classics lately to further stay connected to the human condition. It seems as tech accelerates, the humanity within has decelerated. Non-fiction has its place, but nothing like Dostoyevsky reflecting on the human soul.
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Omar pfp
If you have kids, please, please bank their cord blood. They will have use for it, and you may too.
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Omar pfp
Between the Arc Institute's new Bridge RNA and CRISPR time has come for ApoE targeted trials in human genes, specifically ε4 targeted therapies. Would start with pts with strong collective risk for CV disease and Alzheimer's dementia as they have the highest upside and risk reduction. Eventually the goal will be to improve ratios. Edit and increase the ratio of ε2:ε4.
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Omar pfp
From a physician perspective: @bryanjohnson >>>> Huberman when it comes to actual evidence based advice. Bryan's singular focus is impressive to see and he has (along with Attia and Rhonda Patrick) pushed us into a realm of medical research and thought killed off by insurance and pharma companies.
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Omar pfp
How do I get into the group chat?
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Omar pfp
This guy giving medical advice like he’s a physician. Should be liability for stuff like this. History lesson: US did try in the 80s for 10 years to just vaccinate high risk pop (IV drug users, sex workers, moms with HepB). But this failed to curb Hepatitis B rates in kids. One reason is Hepatitis B also is in saliva. That’s why in ‘91, the recs changed to include all newborns
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Omar pfp
I’ve started making FAQ documents for patients when they bring up Huberman quotes. Been listening to his podcast (more so to answer my own patients queries) and never seen so much extrapolation from mice models and skeptical low N research. Some of his guests are great, but it’s more the declarations that hurt
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