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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
Ok so I think electrons and photons are not actually particles. Look up phonons
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dawufi pfp
At the bottom of every physics rabbit hole is a vibration...
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Tarek Safwan🎩🔵🆓⛓️ pfp
Tarek Safwan🎩🔵🆓⛓️
So why positron is anti partcle while electron not
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Greg Lang pfp
Greg Lang
Don’t electrons and protons carry physical momentum—whereas phonons do not? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I always took that distinction as the line between particles (protons, electrons and even photons weirdly) and quasiparticles (phonons—aka quantized sound waves) Genuinely curious—am I missing something?
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EulerLagrange.eth @Farcon pfp
EulerLagrange.eth @Farcon
I see you’ve found statistical mechanics. A very under appreciated area of physics. Checkout the derivativation of this equation sometime:–Tetrode_equation It’s a good example of where quantum mechanics assumptions leads to a tangible conclusion.
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Alejandro pfp
They are my friend! Electrons are particles and electrons can behave as particles as well. Phonons are another story... basically heat-mediated relaxations
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