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0xdesigner pfp
ironically leaving farcon more bearish on farcaster. the protocol wants to compete and win at the client level. clients want to win and avoid being dependent on the protocol. all roads lead to winner take all. what’s the point?
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
Same can be said about web browsers and email providers. Google arguably won both battles but there's room for others to compete within niches. Apple competed by making unique clients for Apple products. Microsoft is winning with Corporate customers. The point is that users get to decide the winner, not the creators.
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matt pfp
the counterpoint to that might that when you have enough financial backing like google and microsoft, you can take over the market share sooner and quicker than your competitors, who now start an uphill battle, carving out their little space (take a look at what BCNY is doing with Arc browser)
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matt pfp
ultimately, the product still needs to be of a certain quality (or appear as "good enough," in case of microsoft) to capture a significant portion of the market, yet you can do a lot more having huge marketing budget or having eyeballs on your products (google search banner ads for chrome)
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