0xdesigner pfp



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0xdesigner pfp
just spotted a giant purple top hat in a coffee shop what does it mean
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0xdesigner pfp
i can’t stop thinking about the design space for onramping. why do we collectively accept using wallets like scattered debit cards? there needs to be a way to have all stores of value in one place that can be spent from any wallet on any app.
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0xdesigner pfp
i detached an instance this weekend ❖ here's what it taught me about b2b sales:
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0xdesigner pfp
the more commoditized something becomes, the more demand there is for the luxury version of it. i'm looking at you, software.
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0xdesigner pfp
what if you never needed to load a wallet? what if you could just connect a credit card and you would be charged based on the final settled amount? https://zora.co/collect/zora:0x5abf0c04ab7196e2bdd19313b479baebd9f7791b/101
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0xdesigner pfp
i’m not exaggerating when i say this: i know absolutely nothing about @edmondlau.eth—who he is, what he wants, or where he came from. but his content has a better chance of single-handedly onboarding the next billion users than any existing chain.
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0xdesigner pfp
all of the individuals associated with this account will be at farcon. if you find all of us, you’ll get a prize.
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0xdesigner pfp
a potential consumer use case for "intersubjective work tokens": a membership token where the group wants to revoke the membership for an individual. they can vote to fork the token with an updated balance that excludes the exiled.
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0xdesigner pfp
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0xdesigner pfp
understanding anything related to eigen layer
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0xdesigner pfp
your wallet recognizes when you regularly claim rewards and suggests a recurring transaction to check reward balances and claim on your behalf https://zora.co/collect/zora:0x5abf0c04ab7196e2bdd19313b479baebd9f7791b/99
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0xdesigner pfp
people keep saying crypto needs its iphone moment but what it really needs is its rxbar moment. i won't be explaining further.
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0xdesigner pfp
the anthony edwards and MJ comparisons are legit
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0xdesigner pfp
who up thinking about how to make web3 easier to use
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0xdesigner pfp
request a quick trade with a friend when you encounter a swap in your wallet that can't be completed https://zora.co/collect/zora:0x5abf0c04ab7196e2bdd19313b479baebd9f7791b/98
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0xdesigner pfp
a client where youre automatically following people and you have to pay to unfollow
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0xdesigner pfp
“no route found”
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0xdesigner pfp
gm to everyone that uses my ideas. i love you.
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0xdesigner pfp
pin a reply
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0xdesigner pfp
reservations in nyc are hard. sure, you can tokenize the resy and create a secondary market. even cut in the restaurant on resale. but it would still be riddled with resellers. what you if you could gate access for the deserving customers? https://zora.co/collect/zora:0x5abf0c04ab7196e2bdd19313b479baebd9f7791b/97
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