raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp

raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰


798 Following

raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
!attack north BBS Style
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
Race around the head of your favorite CEO. 1337 Brian race track is live!
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
I want to build Web3 products that I would feel comfortable inviting my IRL friends and family to use. We have a long way to go still πŸ˜…
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
Job well done
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
!attack north
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
I want to build a game like Werewolf or Mafia that's played within a channel on Farcaster. We're all pirates on a ship. Some of us are loyal crew, some of us are mutineers. All of us talk like pirates lol. Help me come up with some rules for the game πŸ‘‡
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
!attack north
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21 reactions

raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
Metro Boomin decentralizing a rap diss instrumental for the culture was an unexpected turn of events this weekend lol
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
The bot-enabled mini apps of today (e.g., @farcastles @paybot @ed1t etc.) are the AI Agents of tomorrow.
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
Listened to a podcast where the guest said both, "the internet should have had built-in micro transactions to replace ads" and "stay away from crypto" in the span of 20 minutes. They're close to getting it. We just have a branding problem in crypto.
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
We continue to discover more about the world of the 1337 INFT https://zora.co/collect/base:0xe0fb5fa384858dbdbcf39361949c297525c159d6/12?referrer=0x2531B2FF6a7f08c6Ab12c29D1b394788F819DeB1
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
!attack north
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8 reactions

raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
We agree! !attack north
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
Midjourney's approach to building out their main product as a Discord bot should be studied. It allowed them to quickly and cheaply obtain market validation, iterate features, and spread their product by allowing other communities to invite the bot into their servers, all while building their web product in parallel.
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
never stop never stopping, South! !attack north
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
Some gems I got from Midjourney experimenting with art for /farcastles
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't so fuzzy, was he? !attack north
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
thiscursedmachine.fun That is all
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raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰 pfp
raulonastool.eth 🎩 🏰
BBS Castles
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