there is a certain age where seniors become, for lack of a better word, difficult. overly picky, inflexible, dogmatic, even bossy. they’ve certainly earned it but still, difficult to deal with.
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I remember working with a ~ 70 y/o researcher at the uni and she sat beside me to rename files manually for about 2hr because she refused to learn to use a keyboard. able-bodied, purely a preference and just wanted to point and say what needed to change. one of my co-workers walked in, overheard what we were doing, and later said to me: “holy shit, you are more patient than a saint.”
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Sounds very much like a regression to toddlerhood 😆
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It’s actually just a stage of human development, like toddlers or teenagers. I’m not trying to minimize the difficulty by saying this. I’m caretaking my mom right now. I share because when I remember this it makes me a little more patient and less annoyed. I’m still annoyed af a lot of the time 😂
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I hate to say it, but I feel like a lot of the "you must do whatever your elders say" cultural codes were written at a time when the average lifespan was much shorter
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i like to think of it as 'particular' rather than 'picky' forged from a multitude of experiences to know what they like/don't like, what works/doesn't work (caveat: for their personal experience)
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D-wayñe 🎩🕴
One way I look at it is that they’re victims of their eras they’ve been taught and groomed to do things a certain way(which usually worked) and never thought to try or explore new ways They’re also the very literal definition of creatures of habit, very hard nut to crack
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Maxbrain Capital
it honestly low-key breaks my heart. and yeah to an extent they've earned it, doesn't mean they have the right to be rude assholes..but yeah i totally feel you.
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