Matthew pfp
I don't know smart contracts well enough, but this is probably a simple question for someone who does: can you make a contract that only allows an address to mint one NFT? i.e. I couldn't buy seven farcats, the contract would stop me at one
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rish pfp
You mean limit one mint per address? That’s pretty common I think (unless I’m misunderstanding)
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robin pfp
we did this so you couldn't buy more than 3 pieces of merch per wallet. don't believe it was very expensive
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Steve pfp
Mint? Yes Buy/Transfer? ...Difficult. A wrapper contract around the NFT could be used to keep the illusion of each address having one NFT. This can be averted by limiting transfers only to EOAs & whitelisted smart wallets, though the latter will take up more time to identify & approve.
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
chatgpt-able question
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preegee.eth pfp
There have been many NFT projects that have had the 'n' mint/s per wallet rule. Some have even had 'n' free mints + 'm' paid mints. etc. This is definitely possible at the smart contract level & has been in practice for a while. Source: I'm a degen 😄
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Nat Emodi pfp
Nat Emodi
we have support for this
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julien pfp
Of course! That's actually the default with the unlock protocol! One address can only own a single membership NFT!
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maurelian - aux farçon pfp
maurelian - aux farçon
You seem to understand the Sybil challenges, so why would you want to do this?
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J. Valeska 🦊🎩 pfp
J. Valeska 🦊🎩
It is common. Even transfers could be "blocked" easily. Even There are no transferrable NFTs called SBTs (Soul Bound Tokens) The problem is that everyone is able to use a different wallet and break this rule. Own 2 in 2 diff wallets. There are some mechanisms like KYCs or biometrics auth to help with that, but..
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