julien pfp



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julien pfp
About to jump on on a call with @j4ck.eth and @web3pm to talk about #web3 composability and some of the cool stuff Icebreaker and Unlock are working on for /farcon https://app.huddle01.com/kql-ztim-upv/audio
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julien pfp
Really proud of the contribution that @unlock-protocol provided... And forever grateful for the @icebreaker team (especially @j4ck.eth !)
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julien pfp
Is anyone doing generative AI to test software? IMO this would have a MUCH larger impact on code quality than code generation. I would love to be able to "unleash" an AI against any piece of code (including full apps) and let it just report anything bad/unexpected.
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julien pfp
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julien pfp
It is time to join the Unlock Protocol Weekly Townhall! https://app.huddle01.com/qdd-vivo-duw/audio
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julien pfp
Where is everyone stayaing at /farcon? Anyone with extra-space/room>
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julien pfp
PSA: if you have been approved for /farcon but have not minted your ticket yet, do it quickly, there are only 31 left! After that, you won't be able to get in, even if you have been approved!
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julien pfp
If it's not onchain, it didn't happen.
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julien pfp
Alpha: join https://warpcast.com/~/channel/tacos :)
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julien pfp
Please join the @unlock-protocol weekly TownHall! It is starting now! https://app.huddle01.com/qdd-vivo-duw/audio
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julien pfp
One of my biggest pride is that at @unlock-protocol we're always trying to build with other tools in the ecosystem. People talk about composability but that's in fact very very rare
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julien pfp
VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION. At what point is it lame ©️ 2023 in the footer of your website ?
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julien pfp
Next one starting in a few minutes! We will be talking about some pretty important things today: the need to move the DAO to an L2!
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julien pfp
Any best practices on how to launch a token in 2024?
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julien pfp
I have a question for #defi experts. Has anyone ever built a tool that would give you how the price of token would move in a given uniswap pool, based on X tokens bought or sold? Bonus points if it does this in multiple tx?
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julien pfp
NJ would do anything to be interesting anyway. #eathquake
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julien pfp
The weather in NY is... messy right now.
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julien pfp
Starting now!
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julien pfp
A part of me wants to believe that currencies will become irrelevant because we will be able to swap any of them for any other ones transparently, but then meme coins keep emerging.
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julien pfp
$DEGEN is what $warps should have been.
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