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July pfp
So much of what we do is downstream of how we feel Sometimes, the more rationally we justify our actions (to others, and to ourselves), the more irrational the justification is. But just because the justification is irrational, it doesn't mean that that justification isn't real - what we feel is very real
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Aristotle, Ethics: "Thinking itself moves nothing, but thinking that is for the sake of something [aka, 'desire'] does..." "Choice is either intellect fused with desire, or desire fused with thinking, and such a source is a human being."
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Adam pfp
Sadly, people will go their entire lives running from this feeling rather than confront it head on.
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Phil Cockfield pfp
Phil Cockfield
🧠 running the “Self” process on a chemical-emotional computational substrate. 💦 As real as that (inside) “reality” gets!!
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Well said. So important to recognize this in ourselves and also be aware that its driving others’ behavior.
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🪷 pfp
Relatedly, today I read this good article about processing strong emotions
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Devin Baker pfp
Devin Baker
Truth is a bodily reality of feeling, not a theoretical concept. This is why stories are so powerful - through stories, we use words to transfer the bodily sensation of truth that we feel into someone else. This is why we often say something "resonates" with us - because we feel it.
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SP pfp
Ah but the crux is what is that feeling based on? Is it the present or is it the past? Are we feeling things based on the current reality or are we gripped by emotional responses steeped in old patterns? It’s why truly knowing yourself and these fine lines is the work of a lifetime 〰️
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
I failed to distinguish Pepsi from Coke in a blind taste test. Coke is still my favorite.
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