Britt Kim pfp

Britt Kim


258 Following

Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
There once was a guy who shaved his beard. And he died.
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
The road to 1b users isn’t shit logins that waste people’s warps. Too many times have I been burned with warps logins. I’m now skeptical anytime I see one. That doesn’t seem right. The dev you do here matters. I believe in you all. Who has a warps login experience to help me overcome my doubts?
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
Trying a new look
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
ts-node > tsc
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
Hey bro
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
Just watched a YouTuber commit the node_modules folder. 🤣 Then he doubled checked to make sure it was committed. 😳
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
My feed feels like OG farcaster again!
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
Always use braces for for/if. Change my mind.
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
Walking past a water pistols duel: Person 1) I’ll smoke you like John Adams Person 2) You mean John Wick? Person 3) No guys! John Burr shot Hamilton.
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
Which drink pairs best with an eclipse? Moonshine.
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
I like to pretend this eclipse is actually the installation of our first Dyson sphere.
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
Am I dressed this way to fit in or to hide? Is there a difference?
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
On my way to the Texas Eclipse event in Austin. I’ll be casting about ego death and the human condition for the next couple of days.
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
Free parking for all members
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
Let me draft casts and save. I have a few bangers I need to line up for the future.
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
I don't know what drakula really is but I don't like that there isn't a channel.
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
wrote a nvim plugin for keeping track of repos and ordering them by activity:
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
Today, I’ve made great progress on a potential open-source project. Just solid hours of flow state. Feels good! But now I’m casting, so…. 🤔
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
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