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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
PSA If you're majority casting low effort stuff like this, Warpcast is going to start filtering this out of feeds for people who don't follow you. Still trying our approach of education / assume good intent (esp. since people are paying money to the protocol)!
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
And for those who think this is a losing battle—maybe! But high ROI to try education (doesn't require any engineering work). But our plan is to start filtering this. And remember, you're free to choose a client that has a different approach. Similar to email services having different spam filters.
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Sam (crazy candle person) ✦  pfp
Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
Great. I’m tired of blocking low engagement casts, and honestly as a paranoid security person I’m glad you’re taking action. I have no proof of malicious behaviour yet but these low engagement casts make me more skeptical. Also, do I see viewcount 👀
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Is the filtering/sorting algorithm for Warpcast publicly available anywhere? I think this is a great move, but I can imagine some people getting up in arms about it. Having more transparency on it would probably shut them up.
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🪱 pfp
if these are bots, why would education work?
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Chun-Li pfp
These look like bots. Perhaps they are trying to amass followers (by way of engagement albeit low quality) to eventually sell the account (swapd for example)
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HecTony pfp
The effort is nice to try to minimize spam/worthless casts, it would also be ad-hoc imo, if you highlight the algorithm to boost the worthy ones. Tbh in my feed I find a lot of interesting and diverse posts, which is why I spend more time here than on X. I say this because I believe it is pretty obvious...
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MetaEnd.degen — ᖽ🎩/dau pfp
MetaEnd.degen — ᖽ🎩/dau
Reads like a low effort automated bot?
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chandresh 🪴 pfp
chandresh 🪴
and what about this? not a direct malicious behaviour, however, annoying to see programmatic likes
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Atenea 🎩🍖🦷 pfp
Atenea 🎩🍖🦷
Warpcast is undoubtedly a high-level protocol. Now I'm left wondering if I'm going to be able to live up to it.
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0 reaction pfp
Wait! Do I see each post’s views/impressions in this screenshot? Is this going to be released to all?
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Manan  pfp
What client is the screenshot from?
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mk pfp
*taps thumbnail* whew it isn’t me
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Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
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Steve pfp
One solution could be to: - create a Fortune Cookie channel - have these casters find their way there - have a builder make a web app that randomly serves a fortune cookie cast
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Rob Sanchez pfp
Rob Sanchez
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Scott Kominers pfp
Scott Kominers
Am I right to assume there's no problem with using structured but short message formats for specific use cases such as @survey replies? (In that case the reply is almost always just a number with perhaps a word or sentence of explanation that probably seems random without surrounding context....)
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iSpeakNerd pfp
Autoshare posts like this for education then Dan, don't just shadowmute them
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tomato pfp
I'm in favor of filtering this stuff out, but I'm curious how it's being done. Is it a simple check for repetitive posts and single word replies, or is there some sort of more advanced AI?
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Thomas pfp
Maybe have a pop-up screen upon opening WC the 1st time, that displays the latest ground rules and an “Accept/Acknowledge” button? And have those available after that in a menu? I feel like many new users cannot find out easily about what’s acceptable on WC, or find out the hard way through a shadowban.
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