Cristian Strat pfp

Cristian Strat


142 Following

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
the original MEV
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Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
it's basically impossible to remember jq syntax, so we invented AI
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Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
Mint Delivery at Dawn | a 4844 film
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Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
boomer ETF holders studying DeFi
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2 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
"We can't, we don't know how to do it."
3 replies
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5 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
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4 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
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6 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
💡 Use futures::StreamExt::{buffered, buffer_unordered} to execute many async tasks with a limit on the number of concurrent tasks.
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7 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
1 reply
2 recasts
9 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
Feature request: WASM Frames 🖼️ Make each frame a tiny WASM host providing a small set of APIs: - Identity - Sanitized network access (user-gated, proxies through FC/onion) - Canvas/drawing primitives - Input - Local storage Applications: - 60fps Doom - Offline cryptography, wallets, multisig - Generative art
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15 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
3 replies
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10 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
crypto UX is approximately in this era
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3 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
Can the devs clarify how the LP incentive works? How is it split more exactly?
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Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
coding music for today
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2 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
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2 recasts
9 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
Is there a way to disable YT shorts? It's addictive, and every time I accidentally watch a quick succession of YT shorts I feel more stupid. I don't know how they do it, but the videos I see are idiotic and catchy, like fast food for your brain. I'm 100% sure this is not healthy.
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0 reaction

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
1 reply
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5 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
Sex is great but have you ever merged a branch with 119 commits?
3 replies
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12 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
3mo is a clinging maxi. what do?
3 replies
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4 reactions

Cristian Strat pfp
Cristian Strat
don't forget to tip your GPT
3 replies
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3 reactions