Winston Laoh pfp

Winston Laoh


233 Following

Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
On our way to be the definitive crypto capital of the U.S.!
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
I hate it when wait staff try to memorize the entire tables order without writing anything down. I'm not going to tip you more cause of your memory and it just lowers my tolerance for you getting something wrong. I say this after my server came back twice to confirm orders.
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
All your base are belong to us!
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Close enough. Frame by @missangel
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Apparently this might not exist on Ethereum or the L2s, so can someone please build this? I hate manually doing DCAs.
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Any apps out there that will let me automatically DCA ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum or any of the L2s? Such that I can provide it a certain amount of tokens and it will regularly sell certain amounts over a configurable amount of time?
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Remember: If you zoom out far enough, we're still up. Keep things in perspective of the long game.
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Got her on Thursday. Say hello to Anya! Also, anyone who how to deal with 3am zoomies so I can finally sleep?
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Since when did autocomplete being kind of shitty equate to censorship? Guys chill, just hit enter in Google and you’ll find all your Trump stuff.
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
This happens in crypto all the time yet we still dont have a security standard that includes HR processes.
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15 reactions

Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
😂 Winston-chan's infosec waifu powers are useless against wubber-hose cwyptanalysis >_< *cries in blockchain* Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast!
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
My very first tech job was in QA, but I left when I saw the writing on the wall with how many companies were ignoring quality. Not surprised to see Crowdstrike’s career page showing their whole QA team is off-shored 🤦🏻‍♂️
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
@vitalik.eth with some great insight into the dangers of “pro-crypto” candidates. I almost wanted to post this in /hottakes given how much the sentiment is in the US for one side.
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Ethena's Discord just got suuuuuper hacked. Hopefully everyone knows not to click on the links. How hard is it to really secure admin on a Discord server?
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
If you tell me to meet at some time EST (Eastern Standard Time UTC-5), when you really meant EDT (Eastern Daylight Time UTC-4), I'm going to show up an hour early to your meeting and then cancel because you didn't show up. I know what you meant, but you need to be punished.
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Need to make a channel to recast things out of context 😂
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
This woman next to me on the plane back to NYC was drunk when she got on. Then she ordered 6 more whiskey cokes over the course of the flight. She just threw up in front of the airplane bathroom 🤷🏻‍♂️ How’s your Wednesday going?
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
I can't pay rent because RentCafe is erroring out today, probably because it's the 1st. This is my first time paying rent on this platform for this new apartment. How did they not anticipate higher than usual traffic for the 1st of the month? Isn't that literally when 99% of the traffic would occur?
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
I just had Amazon refund me for a book I purchased years ago because apparently the book was counterfeit? Has this happened to anyone else?
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11 reactions

Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
I recently bought a Roborock Q5+ Robot Vacuum, but it kept going offline. Reddit said I had to configure my DHCP setting in my router to assign the robot a low IP address, so instead of it's auto assigned, I gave it a This worked. What POSSIBLY could have been the bug in the code?!
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14 reactions