Winston Laoh pfp

Winston Laoh


196 Following

Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Shut up and take my money! I've been using the X-T30 for years now while waiting for an actual upgrade (the X-T30 II just ain't it). IBIS, dedicated film sim dial, and X-T5 image sensor 🤤
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
I've tried to tap my metal icebreaker to some phones during a crypto meetup last week, but the reception was kind of spotty. Anyone have the EXACT spot on the metal icebreaker card + the EXACT spot on an iphone to tap to get it work most of the time?
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
How not to please customers: Someone from ClickUp has been emailing me every couple days asking if there was any more info I needed to make a sales decision... He's emailing my email address that's already tied to a paid ClickUp account. CRM systems should include sales and current users!
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Anyone else manage to snag Swedish House Mafia tickets for the Brooklyn Mirage opening weekend this weekend? I swear the whole ticketing experience is ripe for disruption.
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Minted my /farcards! Definitely need to up my cast game.
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Be careful signing transactions /degen!
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
I used to work in the same building as @uniswap in downtown NYC. It’s insane the SEC keeps attacking U.S. companies without providing guidance. This one is so close to home…
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
A warm Farcaster welcome to @richard4k! CEO and Founder of 4K, a game changing RWA protocol.
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Finally got my normie girlfriend into crypto. - Set her up with a Ledger Nano S - Got her to backup her seedphrase with a cryptosteel capsule - Gave her the talk about never exposing her seed phrase and to verify all links - Sent her a bunch of cat themed tokens 😹 Make sure you introduce people to crypto securely!
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
The wildest thing about today’s photo walk was the absolute dominance of Fujifilm over any other brand. I’m so used to being in the minority compared to Sony, Canon, and Nikon.
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Somehow my very first platinum trophy came up in a conversation today. Mine was Horizon Zero Dawn, what was yours?
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Wow that emergency notification came in suuuuuper late
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Earthquake in NYC from USGS:
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
FYI for everyone coming to NYC for NFT NYC next week. Bring allergy meds if you have seasonal allergies! It gets real bad here.
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Anyone know if Eigenlayer has plans to reopen liquid restaking deposits?
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Awesome seeing my boss Ryón Nixon on a panel at the New York Solana Hacker House. Anyone else managed to make it there? Loved the energy that filled the whole place!
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Wow this made me sound like such a weeb lol.
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Webster Hall 11/17
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Winston Laoh pfp
Winston Laoh
Anyone know of any good threat intelligence reports that pertain to crypto? Looking for something detailed like the link.
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