Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
I'm old so I have no experience modern online dating, but assuming visual touch up and subtle conversational AI boosts are prevalent, how does one filter for quality?
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Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩 ooo pfp
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩 ooo
Video chat before meeting ALWAYS! (also old but unfortunately too much experience here). I haven’t seen anyone use AI to boost convos yet —that would be interesting.
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Mme Chiu pfp
Mme Chiu
Aren’t you suppose to meet lovers the same way you’re suppose to meet friends? Just doing the things you like? Hanging out with friends etc?
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
Visual touch ups are already all over the place. You start to develop a sense for what people actually look like beyond the filter after a while. And conversational AI boosts would at least be more entertaining than… this: https://i.imgur.com/sPEIrfl.jpg
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Danny 🎩 pfp
Danny 🎩
I’m on raya (exclusive dating app ) and you can filter by almost anything. For example I can search for users that work at coinbase.
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andreas pfp
ppl who abuse identity enhancers don’t actually go on many dates so it’s not so different from before
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Sam Iglesias pfp
Sam Iglesias
LOL, coining “chatfishing” for people who use conversation AI boosts to score a date.
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Aaina  pfp
no way current AI can mimic the timing, nuance, humor, subtle cultural/ shared context references of a compelling personality? and even if it could, then what? as soon as you meet, it ends. photo filters are obvious, but even when they aren’t you still have to meet and show yourself as 1- not that person and 2- a fra
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slobo pfp
the less useful the online experience becomes the more valuable in person meet ups become also many folks aren’t looking for quality
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Adriana Lica pfp
Adriana Lica
My gf filters by first having a real call where both parties can’t fake a good conversation & connection. If the call goes well then IRL for further filtering.
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Shane Mac pfp
Shane Mac
thekeys.ai has been doing AI prompts for a couple of years and people love the product. The right message for the right time.
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nick pfp
idk but i don't think many people do this? if you're gonna date someone who can't handle your imperfections, then that's already a dealbreaker? unless it's a sugar daddy or hookup hahahaha
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payton ↑ pfp
payton ↑
2/3 are interchangeable, but this is usually my filtering process 1) Quick filter on profile content 2) Make light filters based on digital identity through whatever socials they link ("stalking" if you will) 3) Larger filter on maintaining an extended personal conversation 4) IRL
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Mac Budkowski ᵏ pfp
Mac Budkowski ᵏ
i used tinder for a week in 2014 so not an expert but i think the best way is to convert to an IRL meeting asap
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Alex Loukissas 🍉 pfp
Alex Loukissas 🍉
the old school way: ask for music + film + food preferences :)
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Frank Lee pfp
Frank Lee
maybe dating apps normalize async videos with some sound required. immense amount of signal just from a quick interaction that is much harder to fake.
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