Chase Sommer
Thoughts on 'headless' brands like /higher I don't think you can have headless brands. You need someone casting vision and making decisions. I do think that once you hit a critical mass, you can open up the movement to allow others to use your stuff permissionlessly. But you have to create frameworks. Clearest example to me is Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). It is the most open game you can have. You are supposed to create your new adventure using the IP. However, there are still a ton of rules and frameworks to help with this. Sorry if I'm offending people. Been thinking about this for a while.
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An even simpler version of this is giving something for people to do, a clear call to action. We've seen leaders say something to the effect of "higher is what you make it" time and time again, but this is the opposite of what they should be doing.
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higher isn't a headless brand higher is a meme some talented people have created a brand to support the meme and other talented people have built a bunch of cool stuff around that brand but there are also higher projects that aren't "brand" related and anyone can come and create a totally different brand for higher. in fact someone should. that would be cool to see.
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Terry Bain
i didn't realize higher was headless does this imply there is no top? i don''t know. tip your wait staff. i'll be here til thursday
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That's how i felt before i just aped into it, it seems it's just a phantom vibe that people seem to like, as long as it's positive or towards something positive, at least that's how i feel
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JR ↑
Totally agree, Leadership is always needed, especially in the beginning but also need 1 or more top or lower-level leader to continue moving. Instead of leaderless or 1 leader I'd rather say it's a hydra with more leaders that can lead their own things yet united in one ambitious network & token $higher.
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Extremely on point take
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I think this is a fair take but it’s also just a looser framework for people to be working with that just needs some tightening imo. You can receive funding to do things for higher AND it should be easier. ‘things’ is arguably super vague, BUT it’s also super free-ing. It’s an invitation to create your own adventure but IRL where reality is the RPG, and provides the frameworks, BUT you are therefore challenged to take the responsibility. You have to be high agency and back yourself, OR just hope for the best (every other memecoin anyway). I got funded to create /openair which is now a free meditation course. I’ve already reached out to @martin for funding to start something larger. There are definitely flaws. I think rules around funding are important and need making more efficient and the rest is maybe just characters needing to know who they are.
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