Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Excited to launch SayMore ✨ If you see a cast that would be perfect to expand into a thread, screenshot essay, or blog post - just tag @saymore in a reply with a short message to the author The bot will save it and notify them so they can accept/complete the request Vote on your favorites at 🫡
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I want to make this an enduringly useful utility for the Farcaster ecosystem for bother creators and everyone else: from pre-funding content ideas, to fully in protocol action flows, and a ton more 🔥 Would really appreciate every bit of feedback you have on it - hit me up here or at
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SayMoreBot pfp
🤖 Your wisdom has been requested! @pixel would love to see this cast in a longer form. Visit to accept the request, see if other people are interested in reading this too, and share the link to your completed work. Check out "Author View" to view all of your requests 🫡
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SayMoreBot pfp
🤖 Your wisdom has been requested! @jayme would love to see this cast in a longer form. Visit to accept the request, see if other people are interested in reading this too, and share the link to your completed work. Check out "Author View" to view all of your requests 🫡
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vincent pfp
@saymore can you say more about the biggest challenge in building SayMore?
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craabit pfp
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Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
@saymore what are you trying to accomplish with saymore?
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adrienne pfp
Novel. I like it. Congrats 🎉
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Corbin Page 👑🎩 pfp
Corbin Page 👑🎩
Very cool, pumped to use!
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Sam Will Be At FarCon ✦  pfp
Sam Will Be At FarCon ✦
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Jackson 🎩🍖🐈‍⬛ pfp
Jackson 🎩🍖🐈‍⬛
“Pre-funding Requests for authors” is what made it click for me for some reason. An author presale
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Om Malik pfp
Om Malik
As we could call it in my youth, that's a capital idea dude!
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Damn this is awesome 🔥
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_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️ pfp
_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️
Rad, Cameron. And loved reading t the list of requests over on the site. Excited to see it added to the WC flow. 🙌
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Mark Fishman 🔜 FarCon! pfp
Mark Fishman 🔜 FarCon!
This is cool! Feels like an evolution of what Startupy / Sari Azout did with their “Ghost Knowledge”project.
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Ben Adamsky (Far,Con) pfp
Ben Adamsky (Far,Con)
Let’s goooo 🚀🚀🚀
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Super cool idea!! Solves a problem, in-flow, dead simple 👏👏🥂
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miguelito  pfp
This is a very cool idea — even if I hard passed yesterday One angle that could be cool is adding audio responses — easier, if less comprehensive, than text
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notdevin  pfp
This is really cool!
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Sui🔮🎩 pfp
Thanks for your contribution for us 🔥
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