brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
DAO smart contracts should include a function to delete your token if you don’t participate in a vote for X times in a row
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billzh.eth 🎩 @ FarCon pfp
billzh.eth 🎩 @ FarCon
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Raymond pfp
DAO smart contract that deletes your purple if you haven’t casted for 30 days
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Michael Pfister @ FarCon pfp
Michael Pfister @ FarCon
And the US Government should delete your citizenship if you don't vote too?
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Aaron Ho 🎩 φ pfp
Aaron Ho 🎩 φ
self destruct sequence
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Raymond pfp
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moreReese pfp
I like this. Although I don’t know if “delete” is the best way to frame it, if delete implies a burn mechanism which effectively charges the token holder Something like a programmatic forced Moloch-like rage quit would be cool, where the token holder gets their proportionate share of the treasury
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Britt Kim pfp
Britt Kim
Destructible Autonomous Organization
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huugo pfp
The DAO should maintain admin privileges to burn tokens…backdoor the transfer…and then have a contract variable countdown for each token. I’d say the same for multisigs, but then we’d just end up with a bunch of singlesigs :-)
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